Sebeom Oh

(How to pronounce my name? It sounds Ssae-boom)

Email: sebeom.oh <<<some special character>>>

School directory: [Link]

I am a third year finance PhD student at Temple University. My current research interests are intersection of fintech and misconduct behaviors, but I am still learning other interesting fields.

Working Papers

(*: presentation by coauthor)

[1]  "Digital Veblen Goods" with Samuel Rosen and Anthony Lee Zhang, R&R at Journal of Finance, Available at SSRN [Link]

Previous title was "Investor Experience Matters: Evidence from Generative Art Collections on the Blockchain".

[2]  "Market Manipulation in Non-Fungible Token Markets" (sole-author), Available at SSRN [Link]


[1] "A comparative analysis of housing prices in different cities using the Black–Scholes and Jump Diffusion models" with Hyejin Ku and Doobae Jun, Finance Research Letters, 2022 [Link]

[2] "Measuring CSR, ESG, and Sustainability" with J.H. John Kim, in International Finance Review, Edited by J. Jay Choi and Jimi Kim, 2024 (forthcoming)


Ph.D. student in Finance, Fox School of Business, Temple University, PA, USA, 2021~

SoFiE Financial Econometrics Summer School, NYU Shanghai (Online), 2024 (Scheduled)

CBER-CDFT-DSF Summer School, Columbia University, NY, USA, 2024

G.Dip., Financial Engineering, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2018-2019

M.A., Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2018-2019

B.B.A, Business Administration, minor in Mathematics, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea, 2011-2018