Timely traces / traces of time

This is the log of my postdoctoral research in the arts on Timely traces / traces of time from the 1st of January 2023 on:


Jos Defoort, Het woekerend schrift. Een inleiding op Derrida, Hadewijch, 1996
Jacques Derrida on Being in: Amy Ziering & Kirby Dick, Derrida, 2002 (online videofragment)
Rick Moore aka BlueSpectacles (struggling with) 'Derrida: About Trace', 12/06/2014 (online videofragment)
Lemmas: 'Trace (deconstruction)' on Wikipedia.org; 'Trace and play' on Literariness.org; 'The trace' on WhitesWritingWhiteness.ed.ac.uk; 'Derrida, la trace' on Idixa.net; 'Trace et archive, image et art' on Inatheque.fr
Charles Remond, 'Trace & mémoire - De l’écriture à l’animal, la trace chez Jacques Derrida', Canthel, Paris, October 2021
Camille Trimardeau, 'Trace & mémoire - écrire le geste', Canthel, Paris, October 2021
Laurent Milesi, 'Derrida and Posthumanism (I): From Sign to Trace' on CriticalPosthumanism.net, 14/09/2020
and articles by Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf, Timothy Secret, Alexandre Serres, Jean Greisch, Susan Sontag, Rafael Argullol, Carlo Ginzburg and La Voix et le Phénomène (1967) by Jacques Derrida.