Project Studios

Semestrial Project Studios for 'Grafisch Ontwerp' (Graphic Arts & Printmaking, Illustration and Graphic Design), KASK Ghent:

  • Word-image-play: starting from Paul Cox, Marcel Broodthaers and Guy de Cointet. (2017)

  • V/m/x... On female and other subject positions in arts and society. (2018)

  • Fail better? Betting on Beckett against boosterism: can we please fail? (2018)

  • Good design, creative constraints and other stuff... with Bruno Munari, Francis Ponge and Raymond Queneau! (2019)

  • Collage, montage etc. - techniques and strategies of the avant-gardes. (2019)

  • Post-practices: beyond comics, graphic design & illustration. (2020, cfr. Post-Comics)

  • 'Natuurlijk in beeld': starting from ideas and insights concerning land art and photograpy. (2020)

  • 'Beeldverhaal & beeldredactie', on graphic storytelling and art direction in editorial contexts. (2021)

  • Braidings, entanglements & interferences: creating artistic imagetexts from intrication. (2021)

  • Comics, zines & femininity - developing alternative ways of writing & drawing the self. (2022, cfr. (Not) another reading group)

  • (The) Graphic Novel : developing artistic publications by stressing graphic materiality and found 'footage' (2022)

All semestrial studios were designed to allow students from three separate trajectories (Illustration, Graphic Arts & Printmaking, Graphic Design) to participate on an individual as well as on a regularly collective basis. The semesterial project studios were meant to focus upon productive cross-over aspects of these separate domains.