Mrs. Sousa's Class


to the SMS ART studio!

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Our middle school art program is a combination of Teaching for Artistic Behavior (also known as TAB) and specific skills and project assignments. In February, which is Black History Month, we study and create a piece inspired by a black artist. In March, Women's History month, we study and create a piece inspired by a female arist. Thoughout the year there will be specific mediums each grade will explore. If your child is looking to use a medium not yet offered or from another grade, I suggest they join our art club. We meet Tuesdays after school until 3:30PM.

First activity!

Students had to work with group using string only to draw a picture.

Collage Kicks Off

6-7-8th grade classes learned about surrealism, Salvador Dali, while 5th grade learned about Romare Beardon and collaged about community, collaboration, or unity.