
Create a Positive Online Presence

Your task: Review the awesome ways you can create a POP. Select ONE of the platforms below, grab your resume and create. Remember NOT to include personal information (address, phone number)--keep that on your resume.

LinkedIn Profile:

One idea to create a positive online presence is to create a LinkedIn profile to connect with schools, organizations or business professionals. View the video to create a rockstar profile. Account needed 13+

Interactive Resume

Genial.ly is a very cool tool with a bank of interactive resume templates that would really set you apart from the crowd. Account needed 13+

Wakelet Portfolio

Wakelet is a FREE online resource which allows you to curate your achievements and create an online portfolio using links to anywhere on the web. Watch the video for tips and ideas. Account needed 13+

Google Career Certificate

Job Ready Skills courses offered by Google and Coursera for FREE. Data Analytics, IT Support, Project Management, UX Design, and Android Development.

About me Page

An About Me page is essential to add to your personal website or portfolio. Check out the hints and examples for creating an About Me page.

Start A Start-Up

There is NO AGE LIMIT today for becoming an Entrepreneur. Check out these two organizations:

Start a Blog

Maybe what you want to do is connected to the big business of esports. Check out this resource. There is no age-limit.

Develop an eSports Team Website

A blog can be a place where you reflect on your learning or share ideas with the world. Start with what you are passionate about. Don't worry if you don't have any readers at first: be consistent and be authentic.

YouTube Channel

Most YouTubers have spent tons of time and energy creating content. If you have a passion for making videos, you definitely want to curate and/or create videos on a YouTube channel.

Social Media Mastery

Want to stand up for an important cause? Share an idea? Draw attention to an important organization? This mastery course from Canva can help. Use these tips and apply them to an existing social media account.