Swiss Digital Day 2018 Zurich Hackathon
Crowdsourced Data Analysis - October 25th, 2018 @ Kunsthalle Zurich (9:00 - 21:00)
Enabling Crowdsourced Data Analysis
To celebrate the Swiss Digital Day (October 25th) we are organising a hackathon around the topic of “Crowdsourcing Data Analysis”. This is an event organised by the Digital Society Initiative of UZH, the city and canton of Zurich, and Wikimedia Switzerland. The location will be the Kunsthalle in Zurich, as the event is part of the 100 Ways of Thinking Festival by UZH.
With this hackathon we would like to encourage participants to take action around crowdsourced data analysis. We propose that hackers (i) code tools that help to execute collaborative data analysis with crowds, (ii) extend and prepare existing data sets and (iii) answer data questions (providing visualisations and analysis findings) collectively. We would like this hackathon to be a party for data analysis with collective intelligence. We will have lightning talks by two local citizen science initiatives (i.e. the Citizen Science Centre Zurich and CrowdWater).
As in previous hackathons (e.g., Wikidata Zurich Hackathon and TWIST) we plan to present a set of challenges, to give participants ideas of what they can work on in teams. Several Swiss organisations, including PLAZI, the University of Zurich, HSR Hochschule Rapperswil, the city and the canton of Zurich, and initiatives like Züri Wie Neu and CrowdWater will provide challenges. We will have data sets from Open Data Zurich, Open Data Canton Zurich, OpenStreetMap and Wikidata. If you have your own ideas, you are also welcome to propose them in our Slack channel. You can join here:
October 25th, 2018 (9:00 - 21:00)
Kunsthalle Zurich, Limmatstrasse 270, CH-8005 Zürich
Coding, data wrangling, data analysis. (See also the Topics page)
Free registration, but limited number of seats. (See also the Registration page).