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This is way too long a description for anything in the guide of course, but right now I tend to feel (especially considering the 2017 version had the example question on impediments in the Daily Scrum, making a lot of people consider impediments were only for the a succint description in the Scrum Master accountabilities part would definitely help clarify this part of their accountability.

Scrum Guide

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However, there is no specific artifact mentioned for adaptation in the Sprint Retrospective. Based on the guide, we generate some improvements that we should address as soon as possible. We can also put them in the sprint backlog for the next sprint, but it is optional. Therefore, officially there is no artifact specified for adaptation.

All the work in scrum is cyclic: it happens during recurring, time-boxed periods when scrum team members are focused on delivering something of value to the customer. These iterative periods are known as sprints, and they have the same duration each time, somewhere between one week and a month. 

Sprints follow on one after another, without any pause between them. Every team sets the duration of their sprints themselves.

But to start a sprint, the team must know what they are going to develop.

Only the development team (NB excluding the product owner) can decide how many items they can commit to during the sprint, and only the scrum team (NB including the product owner) can make changes to the sprint backlog during the sprint. 

During the Sprint planning, the team takes into account their past performance, which allows them to more accurately forecast how many items they can finish. Team members should also account for other factors such as holidays and time-off, as well as other commitments that may reduce the amount of time they have. If it is the first sprint that the team has worked together (i.e. they have no past performance), they tend to go on gut feeling, or plan to only do small, simple tasks which they can more easily estimate in time.

Daily scrums, or daily standup meetings, are a driving force for every sprint. 

The development team and scrum master gather each day for a very brief period of time (limited to 15 minutes) to discuss their current progress and any blockers that prevent them from finishing their tasks. The product owner can also attend to hear how things are going, and to offer guidance or clarification if the team needs it. But in essence the meeting is for the solution development team, and not an opportunity for the product owner to put more work on them, make decisions about how the team should work, or comment on the pace of progress.

Below are the three typical questions every development team member answers during a standup meeting:

The goal of daily scrum meetings is to look at how things are going and to make a plan for the next 24 hours that will keep the team on track to complete the work they committed to by the end of the sprint.

Unfortunately, standing in the same room is impossible for distributed teams that practice scrum. This often leads to inefficient virtual meetings and in turn to a general distrust in Agile methodology.

Tips for effective daily standups: scrum master should be willing to tell team members when they are getting off-topic, talk about the items in order of priority (rather than just whoever wants to go first), use asynchronous standup meetings if your team struggles to keep daily standups focused and efficient.

The same goes for scrum meetings and artifacts. Each one of them serves a highly valuable and unique purpose, and only together as a whole do they provide your team with unique opportunities for growth and success.

The Scrum Guide is a comprehensive list of guidelines and practices for implementing the Scrum framework. It was first published in 2010 by the Scrum Alliance, and has been continuously updated with new releases, with the most recent version released in November 2020 by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland.

Dr. Jeff Sutherland developed Scrum@Scale based on the fundamental principles of Scrum, Complex Adaptive Systems theory, game theory, and object-oriented technology. Combined with the results of fieldwork with dozens of companies from startups to those in the Fortune 100, this guide was developed with the input of many experienced Scrum practitioners with the goal of the reader being able to implement Scrum@Scale on their own.

To that end, the Scrum@Scale guide is open source and is released under the CC4-BY-SA license. If you would like to contribute to the Scrum@Scale guide please visit us on GitHub and help us in our mission to create scaling that works.

Scrum is simple. Try it as is and determine if its philosophy, theory, and structure help to achieve goals and create value. The Scrum framework is purposefully incomplete, only defining the parts required to implement Scrum theory. Scrum is built upon by the collective intelligence of the people using it. Rather than provide people with detailed instructions, the rules of Scrum guide their relationships and interactions.

Another huge change was in the area of meetings. Since 2020, criteria of all events that are held at the same time and place should be unified. Previously, this only involved the Daily Scrum. In the 2017 version of the guide, meetings after Daily Scrum were unspecified, but now it has been clarified that Developers often meet throughout the day.

InfoQ interviewed Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland about the changes to the guide and why these changes were needed. We also explored some of the changes to the guide in more detail: commitment, one team, self-managing, product goal, and retrospective actions.

Schwaber: Commitment was removed because we often saw people and teams using it as a weapon, rather than as a guide. Adding this back in for 2020 was done to provide a greater focus for the Scrum Team on those three areas (Product Goal, Sprint Goal, Definition of Done).

Scrum gives you the power to merge various other techniques and methodologies in the whole process of developing and delivering valuable products. The Scrum framework rests on the principle to retain the best strategies and discard the unnecessary ones. Thus, scrum enables us to visualize what is going wrong and how improvements can be made on an iterative basis.

The Scrum Guide captures the values, core principles, insights, and the definition of Scrum. Throughout the decade, the guide has seen several revisions to match the current functional needs in response to the received feedback for older prescriptive versions.

The Scrum Guide defines Scrum, its core values, and principles. Each concept described in the guide symbolizes an indispensable part of Scrum that serves a specific purpose. Here, the aim is to simply deliver value and improve results incrementally. Thus, modifying the core values, or wiping out the Scrum rules, limits the overall Scrum benefits with useless results at the end of the project deadline.

Thus, only the basic rules and processes related to Scrum can be found in this guide. However, they are context-sensitive and can be applied or devised according to varying organizational requirements.

And finally the artefacts. The artifacts are maybe the most abstract part of scrum. The word artefact for me brings memories of the black stone monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The definition which I think is most applicable is the one used in software development:

The same thing goes for the sprint backlog, which is the deliverable that makes the Sprint Goal visible. A team may come up with a brilliant Sprint Goal, but it is the Sprint Backlog (also known as scrum artifact) that makes it possible to decide whether the goal is realistic or not. 

Another interesting change in the current Scrum Guide is the reference to a concept which is at the root of many of the basic ideas of modern agile product development; this concept was previously absent from the guide. Lean is based on principles such as simplicity, respect for people and continuous improvement, which are also the foundation of both the work of Scrum Teams and the ongoing development of the Scrum Guide.

The main purpose of the three commitments is to provide a clear, shared, and agreed upon goal that guides all work. The commitments also encourage participants to constantly evaluate how effectively their planned work will help the team follow through on a given commitment.

In November 2020, there was buzz around the update to the 2017 version of the Scrum Guide. How these changes could affect teams was on the minds of many. The intention of these changes was to simplify the document, make the guide less prescriptive, and be more generally applicable to any team in any organization [6]. The origins of these updates are founded on interactions between the Scrum Guide authors and its trainers over the past several years when discussing the Scrum Guide and its meaning for individuals, teams, and organizations.

We encourage readers to explore beyond this guide and the official Scrum Guide to delve deeper into additional resources, case studies, and practical examples for a more holistic understanding and proficient application of Scrum. A myriad of help is available, aiding in refining your knowledge and skills in Scrum. In conclusion, embracing continuous learning and proactive application is the key to mastering Scrum unlocking its full potential to drive innovative solutions and high-value outcomes. 2351a5e196


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