Scratch, the colorful drag-and-drop programming language, is used by millions of first-time learners worldwide. Scratch 3 features an updated interface, new programming blocks, and the ability to run on tablets and smartphones, so you can learn to code on the go.

Al Sweigart is a celebrated software developer, programming teacher, and creator of a wildly popular Udemy Python course. A fellow at the Python Software Foundation, Sweigart is the author of several Python books for beginners, including the worldwide bestseller Automate the Boring Stuff with Python.

Scratch Programming Download

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Scratch is a high-level block-based visual programming language and website aimed primarily at children as an educational tool, with a target audience of ages 8 to 16.[6] Users on the site can create projects on the website using a block-like interface. Projects can be exported to standalone HTML5, Android apps, Bundle (macOS) and EXE files using external tools. Scratch was conceived and designed through collaborative National Science Foundation grants awarded to Mitchell Resnick and Yasmin Kafai.[7] Scratch is developed by the MIT Media Lab. It has been translated into 70+ languages, and is used in most parts of the world.[8] Scratch is taught and used in after-school centers, schools, and colleges, as well as other public knowledge institutions. As of 15 February 2023, community statistics on the language's official website show more than 123 million projects shared by over 103 million users, over 804 million total projects ever created (including unshared projects), and more than 95 million monthly website visits.[8]

Scratch takes its name from a technique used by disk jockeys called "scratching", where vinyl records are clipped together and manipulated on a turntable to produce different sound effects and music. Like scratching, the website lets users mix together different media (including graphics, sound, and other programs) in creative ways by creating and "remixing" projects, like video games, animations, music, and simulations.[9][10]

Scratch is not exclusively for creating games. With the provided visuals, programmers can create animations, text, stories, music, and more. There are already many programs that students can use to learn topics in math, history, and even photography. Scratch allows teachers to create conceptual and visual lessons and science lab assignments with animations that help visualize difficult concepts. Within the social sciences, instructors can create quizzes, games, and tutorials with interactive elements. Using Scratch allows young people to understand the logic of programming and how to creatively build and collaborate.[27]

In the early 2000s, the MIT Media Lab's Lifelong Kindergarten group (LLK) was developing visual programming languages targeted towards children.[47] In 2003, Mitchel Resnick, Yasmin Kafai, and John Maeda were awarded a National Science Foundation grant for the development of a new programming environment for children to express themselves with code.[7] The LLK, led by Mitchel Resnick, in partnership with Yasmin Kafai's team at UCLA worked closely with Computer Clubhouses in Boston and Los Angeles to develop Scratch, grounding its design in the practices and social dynamics of these after-school youth centers.[7] It started as a basic programming language, with no labeled categories and no green flag.[48] Similar to AgentSheets[49] Scratch employed concepts of Tactile Programming later known as blocks-based programming. Scratch was made with the intention to teach kids to program.[48]

In Scratch 2.0, the stage area is on the left side, with the programming blocks palette in the middle, and the coding area on the right. Extensions are in the "More Blocks" section of the palette.[25]

Scratch uses event-driven programming with multiple active objects called sprites.[11] Sprites can be drawn, as vector or bitmap graphics, from scratch in a simple editor that is part of Scratch, or can be imported from external sources. Scratch 3.0 only supports one-dimensional arrays, known as "lists", and floating-point scalars and strings are supported but with limited string manipulation ability. There is a strong contrast between the powerful multimedia functions and multi-threaded programming style and the rather limited scope of the Scratch programming language.

A more advanced visual programming language inspired by Scratch is Snap!, featuring first class procedures (their mathematical foundations are called also lambda calculus), first-class lists (including lists of lists), and first-class truly object-oriented sprites with prototyping inheritance, and nestable sprites, which are not part of Scratch.[83] Snap! (previously "BYOB") was developed by Jens Mnig[84][85] with documentation provided by Brian Harvey[86][87] from University of California, Berkeley and has been used to teach "The Beauty and Joy of Computing" introductory course in CS for non-CS-major students.[88] Both of them were members of the Scratch Team before designing "Snap!".[89][25]

I just finished making a game on Scratch ( ) and learned a lot very quickly. It is intended for kids/teens, but I'd recommend spending a couple of days with it to anyone. You'll learn how to approach programming problems and all the basics without worrying about the syntax. It's so much better than starting with tutorials that just make you copy-paste their code, as you learn by doing and looking at other people's projects to figure things out. My project's "code" is not perfect and I'm probably not going to spend more time with it, but it definitely got me motivated to continue learning.

If anyone's curious, here's the game that I made. It took 3 days with little programming experience. Working with aspects of the game loop, sprites, sounds, animation, bug-testing, etc really helped me understand the bigger picture.

An introduction to programming using Scratch, a visual programming language via which aspiring programmers can write code by dragging and dropping graphical blocks (that resemble puzzle pieces) instead of typing out text. Used at the start of Harvard College's introductory course in computer science, CS50, Scratch was designed at MIT's Media Lab, empowering students with no prior programming experience to design their own animations, games, interactive art, and stories. Using Scratch, this course introduces students to fundamentals of programming, found not only in Scratch itself but in traditional text-based languages (like Java and Python) as well. Topics include: functions, which are instructions that perform tasks; return values, which are results that functions provide; conditions, via which programs can decide whether or not to perform some action; loops, via which programs can take action again and again; variables, via which programs can remember information; and more. Ultimately, this course prepares students for subsequent courses in programming.

Even non web based engines like Unreal Engine where you can do a lot of stuff without programming, will probably not be enough to create relevant applications/games without it (so at least you have to figure out their Blueprint system, which is basically programming as well).

In many countries, primary school teachers are holistic educators and often find themselves teaching computing despite having little or no experience in the field. In a recent seminar of our series on computing education for primary-aged children, Luisa Greifenstein told attendees that struggling with debugging and negative attitudes towards programming were among the top ten challenges mentioned by teachers.

Differentiable programming has been a hot research topic over the past few years, and not only due to the popularity of machine learning libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and JAX. Many fields apart from machine learning are also finding differentiable programming to be a useful tool for solving many kinds of optimization problems. In computer graphics, differentiable rendering, differentiable physics, and neural representations are all poised to be important tools going forward.

Using differentiable programming, we can compute \(\frac{\partial \text{Loss}}{\partial \text{Guess}}\), i.e. how changes in our proposed image change the resulting loss. That means we can apply gradient descent to the guess, guiding it towards a state that minimizes the loss function. Hopefully, if our blurred guess matches the observed image, our guess will match the ground truth image.

We decided to partner with YWCA because they had the most similar goals as ThinkSTEAM. The projects they did helped changed the way women think and the new careers they chose for themselves. We started our first workshop with Scratch, as it is the most basic form of programming that will give girls the foundation they need to pursue future endeavors in coding and STEAM. We started the workshop by going over the basic blocks of scratch programming and then coding a step-by-step ping pong game.

In my mind autopilot would be a late game tech, like the target SAS and the Maneuver (Transfer) Tool are in KSP1. Frankly with the automated logistics routing in the new game autopilot is not even necessary for gameplay. It's just cool to have for probe programming and... SWARMS.

An engaging first programming class (CS1) often inspires students' passion for computer science (CS). However, the evidence in the literature suggests that the average CS1 classes are anything but engaging for many students. The performance of CS compared to other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses in international student engagement surveys seems to substantiate CS1 failure, attrition rates, and lack of diversity in most CS classes. Meanwhile, for its simplicity in introducing programming to beginners, primary and secondary schools use Scratch, an educational programming environment developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. For the same reason, higher institutions now include some forms of Scratch instruction in CS1. The question remains, to what extent is Scratch engaging, especially for students in higher education? This study addressed this gap by observing college computer science students exposed to a constructionist Scratch programming pedagogy. We adopted a descriptive design based on quantitative observations. To observe the class during a weekly 2-hour session, we employed five CS educators, one observer per week. Each observer, employing a 20-item observation protocol, rated the extent of affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement of first-year CS students in a polytechnic in North Central Nigeria. Most of the students were learning to program for the first time. Analysis of the data showed a significant agreement in the ratings of the five observers for overall student engagement, although the impact was moderate. However, while agreement in their ratings for affective engagement was significant, with a large effect, there was no significant concordance in their ratings for behavioral engagement. Observers also significantly agreed in their ratings for cognitive engagement; however, the impact was moderate. These findings suggest that employing Scratch in higher education can be engaging and useful, especially for students with no prior programming experience. 2351a5e196

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