Special Containment Procedures: Web traffic and law enforcement channels worldwide are to be monitored for evidence of SCP-4666 activity, and particularly for cases of stalking or reports of anomalous phenomena involving families with young children.

Should a Weissnacht Event be suspected to be in progress, the nearest Containment Task Force is to be dispatched to attempt containment of SCP-4666. Standard PDP/VIII Humanoid First Contact Protocols apply.

Scp 4666

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Media coverage of family deaths attributed to SCP-4666 is to be suppressed or falsified to make said deaths appear as non-anomalous home invasion murders. Forensic evidence and SCP-4666-A instances collected by non-Foundation agencies are to be confiscated, and witnesses amnesticized.

Description: SCP-4666 is currently believed to be a single, exceptionally long-lived humanoid entity of unknown origin. Survivors of Weissnacht Events typically describe SCP-4666 as a very tall (between 2 m and 2.3 m) elderly male of European descent, with an extremely emaciated appearance. The entity always appears completely naked, even when observed outdoors in freezing weather.

Though the nature and extent of its anomalous properties remain uncertain, SCP-4666 appears capable of instantaneous or near-instantaneous travel to any location north of 40N latitude, and possibly to any location on Earth.

Nights 1-7: Children will report seeing SCP-4666 in the vicinity of their family's dwelling. The entity will typically be observed watching the dwelling from a distance, such as from across a nearby field or from the edge of a neighboring forest. In some cases, children will report waking up at night to find SCP-4666 watching them sleep through a window.

Extensive research into civilian and law enforcement archives worldwide eventually uncovered evidence of probable Weissnacht Events for nearly every preceding year, going back to the late 18th century (average of 3.1 known events per year). Numerous historical documents were also found which appear to describe SCP-4666 activity occurring prior to this period, in some cases as early as the 2nd century AD in Europe and Russia, and as early as the 1st century BC in Scandinavia.

Fingerprints belonging to the same humanoid entity have been discovered at the locations of all Foundation-investigated Weissnacht Events; these have been matched to a partial fingerprint found preserved in dried blood on a recovered SCP-4666-A instance dating from 1873. The fingerprints present characteristics not known to occur in human beings (see image). Human-like white hairs were also recovered from the locations of several Weissnacht Events, though no DNA, human or otherwise, could be extracted from them.

On 02/01/2018, several SCP-4666-A instances were discovered at a family's residence in Hoonah, Alaska, following the conclusion of Weissnacht Event #060198. Among these instances was SCP-4666-A-0960, which consisted of a crude, life-sized doll made from the emaciated body of a female child, to which the following modifications had been made:

EFKA FA 4666 is a high molecular weight unsaturated carboxylic acid that prevents interfacial tension between the hydrophilic pigments and the binder. This wetting and dispersing additive reduces dispersion time and pigment sedimentation, prevents flooding/floating and stabilizes pigment dispersion. EFKA FA 4666 is especially suited for medium to high-polarity binder systems, for example: alkyd/amino resin combinations, nitro-cellulose systems, polyurethane systems, acrylic polyisocyanate systems (2-pack acrylics) and chlorinated polymers.

NGC 4666 is a spiral galaxy in the equatorial constellation of Virgo, located at a distance of approximately 55 megalight-years from the Milky Way.[3] It was discovered by the German-born astronomer William Herschel on February 22, 1784. It is a member of the Virgo II Groups, a series of galaxies and galaxy clusters strung out from the southern edge of the Virgo Supercluster.[6] John L. E. Dreyer described it as "bright, very large, much extended 45, pretty suddenly brighter middle".[7] It is a member of an interacting system with NGC 4668 and a dwarf galaxy,[8] and belongs to a small group that also includes NGC 4632.[2]

CASD 4666 Health Communication 3 hours; 3 credits

The way we create, seek, process, and share information about health, medicine, and the health care system. Intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational, and societal communication. The multidisciplinary nature of health communication. Literature from communication studies and the social sciences. (This course is the same as Health and Nutrition Science 2183.)

Prerequisite: Health and Nutrition Sciences 1100 [6.1] or equivalent.

MKTG 4666 - Marketing for Entrepreneurs3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours 

 Prerequisite: Business Majors: Sophomore GPA Requirement and MKTG 3100 or MGT 3100; Non-business Majors: MKTG 3100 or MGT 3100, and permission of the Coles College of Business. tag_hash_119

This course is an introduction to the marketing practices that focus on the needs of entrepreneurs. Industry terms, entrepreneur-focused marketing strategies and sales tactics, recent developments, trends, and social networking will be examined. Requirements for development of an integrated marketing communications plan for supporting an entrepreneur are stressed.

SCP-4666, also referred to as The Yule Man, is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a humanoid figure that travels around the world killing families and kidnapping children. Because of its ability to teleport at will and extreme difficulty to contain, it is classified as Keter by the Foundation.

Though little photographic or video material exists of SCP-4666, reports have described it appearing as an extremely tall humanoid appearing to resemble an elderly male with white hair. Reports and survivors claim SCP-4666 is always completely nude regardless of weather or conditions. Fingerprints have been discovered at investigated locations, though they exhibit properties not found in humans, such as a double-whorl pattern. Hair has been found, though the DNA does not belong to any known creature, human or animal. Its teeth marks also do not match any known creature.

Fanart of SCP-4666 consistently shows it with inhuman facial features, including enormous black eyes and an unnaturally wide mouth filled with numerous long teeth. 4666 is not described this way in the article itself, however.

SCP-4666 was originally one of the many evil names belonging to SCP-5925, one of the fairies from SCP-4000 who was able to gather a number of names which transformed him into Santa Claus. However, after he lost a number of his name, one of his evil names manifested as the Yule Man who began kidnapping children and forcing them to make toys out of the bodies of fellow kidnapped children.

SCP-4666 was first brought to the Foundation's attention in 1974, when its anomalous properties were first witnessed by Foundation personnel and the stories were first recorded, though the reports of the entity date back to circa 1498.

Web and media traffic is monitored by the SCP Foundation, and forces are deployed if a family is suspected of being targeted by SCP-4666. All reports of killings are falsified to appear as non-anomalous home invasion murders, with evidence confiscated. Despite this, SCP-4666 has yet to be taken into custody.

In 2018, an SCP-4666-1 Event in Hoonah, Alaska, produced a large doll made from an emaciated body of a child. However, the child, named Ekaterina Morozova (age 7) was still alive, though unconscious. She was rushed to a hospital, where she was interviewed by a Foundation researcher. She told him that she, along with many other children, were abducted in a bag after being forced to watch their families being murdered. They were then brought underground to a series of tunnels, where SCP-4666 forced them to make the toys out of the body parts of other abductees with minimal sustenance for years. If they stopped working at any time, even by falling asleep, they were denied food and water and were tortured by being hit, burned, bitten, or cooked alive in a furnace and devoured in front of the other slaves. However, when a child is no longer able to make toys, they are added to the materials used to make them. Morozova got sick and could no longer work, so SCP-4666 had the others partially mutilate her and make her into a doll, rendering her unconscious until she was "delivered" to the next family and rushed to the hospital. However, only 18 hours after her discovery, Morozova died from multiple organ failures resulting severe malnourishment.

As a result of Site-100's manipulation, SCP-4666 was introduced to SCP-231-7. After this, once in every 24 hours, SCP-4666 visited 231-7, doing something to her, which replaced procedure 110-Montauk and also lessened the psychological impact on the girl, while 4666 collected the "inhabitants" from 231-7 to make toys, sparing the innocent children from 4666 and effectively nullifying the threat of both SCPs.

SCP-4666 only becomes active for 12 nights every year, from the night of December 21-22 to the night of January 1-2, manifesting and seemingly teleporting to any location above 40N latitude, where it will designate a household and family, always with one or more small children under the age of 8.

Reports state that on the first through seventh nights of SCP-4666's "active period" termed Weissnacht Events, the children of the household will catch sight of SCP-4666 around their abode, standing in the distance. Occasionally, children will wake at night to see a figure standing outside their windows watching them sleep.

The first (which is most common), all members of the victimized family will be incapacitated, restrained, and herded into a single room, where SCP-4666 will proceed to murder all members in front of each other with the exception of one child, which will be abducted. The methods of incapacitating, restraining, and killing vary with each event. The murder victims are always tortured to death, with every member of each family dying in the same manner. ff782bc1db

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