SFF Signs

Please follow instructions and email your order to scoutingforfoodnpd@gmail.com by February 12, 2021

The Deal

  1. Joel Hampshire will coordinate ordering, payment, pick-up and delivery. Ordering deadline is February 7, 2022.

  2. All signs say the same thing and there is no customization for unit #. You’re welcome to order your own customized signs from the sign maker for an additional charge. We will not be coordinating customized orders.

  3. BEFORE PAYING VIA PAYPAL OR SENDING A CHECK, please email Joel this form letting him know how many signs you need. He will send confirmation of your unit's order.

  4. Each unit can pay separately by paypal (joelhampshire@gmail.com). There is no sales tax.

  5. Sign pickup will occur at the February Roundtable. A contactless pickup/drop-off can also be coordinated.

Please send questions to scoutingforfoodNPD@gmail.com