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A: Yes, you can definitely use a financial calculator for basic math calculations. While financial calculators have additional functions for finance-related tasks, they also have all the basic functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

A: Yes, scientific calculators are commonly used by high school students, especially those studying advanced math, physics, or chemistry. These calculators offer functions that go beyond basic math and can help students solve complex equations and perform scientific calculations.

A scientific calculator is an electronic calculator, either desktop or handheld, designed to perform calculations using basic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and complex (trigonometric, hyperbolic, etc.) mathematical operations and functions. They have completely replaced slide rules and are used in both educational and professional settings.

In some areas of study scientific calculators have been replaced by graphing calculators and financial calculators which have the capabilities of a scientific calculator along with the capability to graph input data and functions.

When electronic calculators were originally marketed they normally had only four or five capabilities (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root). Modern scientific calculators generally have many more capabilities than the original four or five function calculator, and the capabilities differ between manufacturers and models.

While most scientific calculators have traditionally used a single-line display similar to traditional pocket calculators, many of them have more digits (10 to 12), sometimes with extra digits for the floating-point exponent. A few have multi-line displays, with some models from Hewlett-Packard, Texas Instruments (both US manufacturers), Casio, Sharp, and Canon (all three Japanese makers) using dot matrix displays similar to those found on graphing calculators.

Scientific calculators are used widely in situations that require quick access to certain mathematical functions, especially those that were once looked up in mathematical tables, such as trigonometric functions or logarithms. They are also used for calculations of very large or very small numbers, as in some aspects of astronomy, physics, and chemistry.

They are very often required for math classes from the junior high school level through college, and are generally either permitted or required on many standardized tests covering math and science subjects; as a result, many are sold into educational markets to cover this demand, and some high-end models include features making it easier to translate a problem on a textbook page into calculator input, e.g. by providing a method to enter an entire problem in as it is written on the page using simple formatting tools.

The first scientific calculator that included all of the basic ideas above was the programmable Hewlett-Packard HP-9100A,[2] released in 1968, though the Wang LOCI-2 and the Mathatronics Mathatron[3] had some features later identified with scientific calculator designs. The HP-9100 series was built entirely from discrete transistor logic with no integrated circuits, and was one of the first uses of the CORDIC algorithm for trigonometric computation in a personal computing device, as well as the first calculator based on reverse Polish notation (RPN) entry. HP became closely identified with RPN calculators from then on, and even today some of their high-end calculators (particularly the long-lived HP-12C financial calculator and the HP-48 series of graphing calculators) still offer RPN as their default input mode due to having garnered a very large following.

The HP-35, introduced on February 1, 1972, was Hewlett-Packard's first pocket calculator and the world's first handheld scientific calculator.[4] Like some of HP's desktop calculators it used RPN. Introduced at US$395, the HP-35 was available from 1972 to 1975.

Texas Instruments (TI), after the production of several units with scientific notation, introduced a handheld scientific calculator on January 15, 1974, in the form of the SR-50.[5] TI continues to be a major player in the calculator market, with their long-running TI-30 series being one of the most widely used scientific calculators in classrooms.

Casio, Canon, and Sharp have also been major players, with Casio's FX series (beginning with the Casio FX-1 in 1972[6]) being a very common brand, used particularly in schools. Casio is also a major player in the graphing calculator market, and was the first company to produce one (Casio fx-7000G).

I have had this phone for two years. Now I find that I cannot get the scientific calculator when I hold the phone in landscape mode. Am I stupidly missing something obvious, or is this problem one that others have had? Is it fixable?

To open the scientific calculator, turn your iPhone to landscape view. (If you have locked your iPhone in Portrait view, this won't work until you unlock it: swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the command center and tap the Orientation Lock button.)

Texas Instruments TI-36X Pro is TIs latest and most advanced scientific calculator features a high-quality MultiView display and Math Print capability. Enhanced math functionality makes it ideal for computer science and engineering courses.

A scientific calculator (must not have unapproved features or capabilities; see list of unapproved calculators and technology) or graphing calculator are recommended; a four-function calculator is allowed but not recommended.

Graphing calculator with statistical capabilities. Nongraphing calculators are permitted if they have the required statistics computational capabilities described in the AP Statistics Course and Exam Description. (effective Fall 2020)

*Graphing calculators with the expected built-in capabilities for AP Calculus are indicated with an asterisk. See the AP Calculus AB and BC Course and Exam Description for details. However, students may bring any calculator on the list to the exam; any model within each series is acceptable. Only approved graphing calculators from the list are permitted for AP Calculus Exams.

Most probably think of a co-processor as one of those math chips like the 8087 that were plugged into the IBM PC and clones back in the dark ages. They essentially allowed coprocessor-aware software such as Lotus 1-2-3 to calculate faster because software-only calculations were soooo slow. But, essentially a co-processor can be any processor that is programmed for a somewhat dedicated function: math, I/O, or even scientific calculations. I wrote this sketch for two reasons, one to learn more about using Streams and the many functions available which help to minimize code that I need to write and second because I wanted to experiment with off loading floating point from an Integer Only uC and not bother with dealing with integer arithmetic and then scaling to decimal.

Please accept this sketch as a fun exercise. It is public domain stuff, so bend it, shake it, hack it... but please post enhancements for all. I have not implemented a second uC to use as a command chip, but I am hopeful to complete that effort in a week or so. If this concept works adequately, anyone should be able to host a GPS and off-load the calculations of bearing and distance to the co-processor. With 328P chips being $2 in 25 Qty, the idea of a very cheap calculator that does not impact the main uC should be workable. One idea that is likely to need implementing is a oPin on the Arduino to signify that an answer is ready. This would allow the host uC to use an interrupt routine to snatch the return RS232 answer stream without crudely waiting on an answer.

It's just a sample framework written as a calculator. You can create a verb, say HD1, to turn pin D1 High and another verb, say LD1, to turn it low.... and without further programming, a second uC can control digital pin 1. Or... create one verb called D1? and send a 1 or 0 in the stream to parse with Serial.parseInt ...

Yes. You are correct.

You bring up an interesting scenario. My idea of doing this little project was to move memory hungry FP library routines to a separate chip and to implement a simple scientific calculator that was software-extensible to allow new functions to be easily created. This bloat in calculations and libraries would not be "seen" by the main uC since a standard interface was being used (serial, I2C, etc.) and the code on the hosting uC need not be overly complex to pass intermediate data to the off-load chip and receive the results in calculations. However, if a 3rd chip (dedicated math coprocessor) was added to the mix, the primary uC would still not "know" anything about it... only the 2nd Arduino chip would be more complex in code and would manage handling the double-precision handoff. This makes for an expensive and somewhat more complex interface, but does certainly warrant consideration in some cases. ff782bc1db

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