Connecting Speech science and Speech technology for Children’s Speech

Speech technology is increasingly getting embedded in everyday life, with its applications spanning from critical domains like medicine, psychiatry, education, to more commercial settings. This rapid growth is often largely contributed to the successful use of deep learning in modelling large amounts of speech data. However, performance of speech technology related applications also largely varies depending on the demographics of the population the technology has been trained on and is applied to. That is, inequity in speech technology appears across age, gender, people with vocal disorders or from atypical populations, people with non-native accents. 

This interdisciplinary session will bring together researchers working on child speech from speech science and speech technology.

A series of oral presentations (or posters) on the following topics of interest (but not limited to):

The session will comprise of a poster-session,  and a panel discussion

The goals of the poster and demo-sessions are to encourage a) academic contributions, b) application oriented contributions. 

The goal of the panel session is to talk to experts on how to facilitate the mutual development of speech-science and speech-technology for child speech community and hence accelerating the growth of research in child speech.

In line with the theme of Interspeech 2023, Inclusive Spoken Language Science and Technology – Breaking Down Barriers, the proposed session will address the limitations and advances of speech technology and speech science, focusing on child speech. Furthermore, the session will aid in the mutual development of speech technology and speech science for child speech, while benefiting and bringing both the communities together.


The Special Session follows the same guidelines as the INTERSPEECH 2023 main conference.


in alphabetical order

Line H. Clemmensen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, Associate Professor

Nina R. Benway, Syracuse University, USA, Doctoral Candidate

Odette Scharenborg, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, Associate Professor

Sneha Das, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, Assistant  Professor

Tanvina Patel, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, Postdoctoral researcher

Zhengjun Yue, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, Assistant Professor


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