Gerardo Palazzo

University of Bari, Italy

Gerardo Palazzo is Full Professor in Physical-Chemistry at the University of Bari.

Since 1991 his research topics have been in the field of surfactant science and biological soft matter.

He is appointed of courses of “physical chemistry 1” for the BS in Chemistry and “industrial physical chemistry” for the MS in Industrial Chemistry of the University of Bari.

He has been the head of the degree courses (BS+MS) ipn Chemistry (2010-2016) and currently (since 1-08-2018) is the Director of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Bari.

He was the group leader of the Bari Research Unit in several Italian and EU Research Projects.

He has published more than 200 papers in international peer reviewed journals and books (for a list his ISI papers see , and also .

His main research activities deal with

I) development of new experimental and theoretical approaches for the comprehension of surfactant based systems (micelles, microemulsions and lipid vesicles);

II) development of biosensors;

III) interactions between proteins and lipids or surfactants.