Steven Abbot

Steven Abbott TCNF Ltd, UK

I have a PhD in Chemistry from my work in Oxford and Harvard. I did a post-doc with Nobel Prize winner J-M Lehn in Strasbourg then went to work in industry first with ICI (at the time UK's large chemical company) where I became a senior manager then as Research Director at a coatings company called Autotype. In both companies I travelled the world interacting with top companies and gaining experience in a wide range of industries and was a regular speaker at conferences. Because I loved combining academic science with industrial needs I was made Visiting Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering at U. Leeds. Finally I went independent, which gave me the chance to learn lots of new science and to develop my ideas of bringing good science to life via software, apps and app-linked books. I have especially enjoyed being called in to corporations around the world as a troubleshooter using my own app-based approach to help solve problems.

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