



This section presents a set of detailed physics courses, including classical mechanics, fluid mechanics, geometrical optics, physical optics, electricity, thermodynamics, pharmaceutical physics, electromagnetism, atomic physics, biophysics and electronics. These courses will initially be presented in French, pending their update in English. Enjoy your reading! Read more

La mécanique est la science du mouvement et de ses causes. Elle est considérée à juste titre comme la base de l’apprentissage de la physique. Déjà chez les Grecs de l’antiquité des philosophes avaient formulé des théories sur le mouvement. La pensée de la fin de l’Antiquité et du Moyen âge était dominée par l’oeuvre d’Aristote (−384/ − 322), qui couvre tous les domaines d’étude de la nature, de la logique à la zoologie. Une part importante de l’oeuvre d’Aristote porte sur le mouvement. Mais Aristote traite du mouvement comme il traite de la zoologie : par une observation soignée des phénomènes, avec un certain sens de la classification et, surtout, de manière essentiellement qualitative. Il distingue trois types de mouvement : le mouvement naturel, le mouvement violent et le mouvement volontaire. 

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L’hydraulique est incontournable dans l’agronomie. En effet, elle a une place déterminante dans les systèmes d’irrigation. Sa base théorique est la mécanique des fluides qui remonte au moins à l’époque de la Grèce antique avec le célèbre savon Archimède, connu par son principe qui fut à l’origine de l’hydrostatique. La mécanique des fluides fait appel à des bases de la physique comme la force d’Archimède, l’équation de Bernoulli, …). 

Ce polycopié est un support pédagogique dédié au programme de la mécanique des fluides destiné aux étudiants de la première année des classes préparatoires de l’Ecole Supérieure d’Agronomie de Mostaganem. Il est aussi très utile aux étudiants de la troisième année de la même école dans la matière « hydraulique générale ». Lire la suite 

L’optique géométrique est une discipline très ancienne dont certaines lois fondamentales– comme les lois de la réflexion de la lumière–étaient connues des philosophes et mathématiciens grecques comme Empédocle (490-430avant J.C.), Euclide (300 avant J.C.) ou de leurs disciples. L'optique géométrique est un outil indispensable pour comprendre la conception des instruments optiques, leur fonctionnement et leur méthode de mesure. Elle s'est développée sur la base d'observations simples et repose sur deux principes et des lois empiriques : 

▪ La propagation rectiligne dans un milieu homogène et isotrope ; 

▪Le principe du retour inverse qui exprime la réciprocité du trajet lumineux entre source et destination ; 

▪ Les lois de Snell-Descartes pour la réflexion et la réfraction. Ce polycopié se veut un support pédagogique dédié au programme de l’optique géométrique destiné aux étudiants de la première année des classes préparatoires de l’Ecole Supérieure d’Agronomie de Mostaganem. Il est aussi très utile pour les étudiants de la première année de médecine. Lire la suite 

Cet ouvrage rassemble l’ensemble des éléments essentiels de l’électrocinétique généralement enseignée au cours des premiers cycles scientifiques et technologiques. Il est structuré en sept chapitres qui traitent des notions fondamentales des circuits électriques en régimes continu, sinusoïdal et transitoire.Tous les exercices et problèmes sont entièrement corrigés, la résolution étant systématiquement présentée dans tous ses détails. De nombreux commentaires attireront l’attention de l’étudiant sur les pièges à éviter, sur les techniques à acquérir absolument et sur les astuces lui permettant de progresser plus rapidement. Lire la suite 

Ce cours de thermodynamique est destiné aux étudiants de 1 ère année d’enseignement supérieur de spécialité génie des procédés et science de la matière. Le premier chapitre introduit les notions fondamentales et les premières définitions utilisées en thermodynamique, ainsi que l’énoncé du principe zéro. Le deuxième chapitre développe les différentes formes d’énergie, leurs transferts et l’énoncé du premier principe. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à la thermochimie et l’application du premier principe de la thermodynamique en chimie. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre présente le deuxième principe de la thermodynamique, les notions et les différentes expressions de l’entropie, ainsi qu’une introduction aux machines thermiques et les cycles thermodynamiques. Cette présentation résulte de la lecture de nombreux ouvrages et documents dont la plupart ne sont pas cités dans la bibliographie. Lire la suite 


Classical mechanics, as it will be presented in this course, is essentially based on the ideas of Isaac Newton (hence the nickname "Newtonian mechanics"). This mechanics is based on the Newtonian model, in which any physical system can be thought of as a collection of material points that exert forces on each other. Our understanding of the world necessarily comes from the knowledge of these forces and their effects, as determined by Newton's laws of motion.

This mechanics course is specifically aimed at undergraduate students. It covers the fundamental aspects of Newtonian mechanics: the concept of force, Newton's laws, the energy point of view, the kinetic moment, inertial forces, etc. In addition, important topics such as free fall, oscillators, central forces, and solids are also covered.


Classical mechanics, as it will be presented in this course, is essentially based on the ideas of Isaac Newton (hence the nickname "Newtonian mechanics"). This mechanics is based on the Newtonian model, in which any physical system can be thought of as a collection of material points that exert forces on each other. Our understanding of the world necessarily comes from the knowledge of these forces and their effects, as determined by Newton's laws of motion.

This mechanics course is specifically aimed at undergraduate students. It covers the fundamental aspects of Newtonian mechanics: the concept of force, Newton's laws, the energy point of view, the kinetic moment, inertial forces, etc. In addition, important topics such as free fall, oscillators, central forces, and solids are also covered.


Classical mechanics, as it will be presented in this course, is essentially based on the ideas of Isaac Newton (hence the nickname "Newtonian mechanics"). This mechanics is based on the Newtonian model, in which any physical system can be thought of as a collection of material points that exert forces on each other. Our understanding of the world necessarily comes from the knowledge of these forces and their effects, as determined by Newton's laws of motion.

This mechanics course is specifically aimed at undergraduate students. It covers the fundamental aspects of Newtonian mechanics: the concept of force, Newton's laws, the energy point of view, the kinetic moment, inertial forces, etc. In addition, important topics such as free fall, oscillators, central forces, and solids are also covered.


Classical mechanics, as it will be presented in this course, is essentially based on the ideas of Isaac Newton (hence the nickname "Newtonian mechanics"). This mechanics is based on the Newtonian model, in which any physical system can be thought of as a collection of material points that exert forces on each other. Our understanding of the world necessarily comes from the knowledge of these forces and their effects, as determined by Newton's laws of motion.

This mechanics course is specifically aimed at undergraduate students. It covers the fundamental aspects of Newtonian mechanics: the concept of force, Newton's laws, the energy point of view, the kinetic moment, inertial forces, etc. In addition, important topics such as free fall, oscillators, central forces, and solids are also covered.

This section contain all my educational and research activities as books and articles publications, conferences, projects, patents ...Added to this some topics related to science such as history of science, Wien2k code, Linux, english language, Artificial Intelligence ...Read more  











General posts topic focuses on my hometown "Tlemcen", located in western Algeria, nature, stars of the past, some personalities who have marked history, legendary sport and various subjects such as religion, Kabylie...  Read more 




  EVENTS IN 2024



I am delighted to announce my promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer Class A (Associate Professor). Read more 


  EVENTS IN 2023

The Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem, Algeria, organized a scientific day hosted by Pr. Dr. Bulent Topcuoglu from Technical Sciences Vocational School, Department Of Plant And Animal Production, Organik Agriculture, Akdeniz University,Turkey, at the invitation of Pr. Houcine Abdelhakim Reguieg Yssaad.

Pr. Dr. Bulent Topcuoglu gave 5 lectures entitled respectively: The concept of soil quality, Soil quality and fertilization in organic farming, Fertilizers and Plant Nutrition Management, New evaluation methods in soil analysis and fertilization recommendations and Soil contamination.

The conference also included a presentation by Dr. Abbes Labdelli on his project entitled "Design of device for desalination of water by solar energy intended for the irrigation of agricultural soils." Read more 


Three scientists have been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics for their experiments creating pulses of light so brief that they could give humanity "new tools for exploring the world of electrons inside atoms and molecules."

The prestigious annual prize went to Pierre Agostini, an emeritus professor at The Ohio State University, Ferenc Krausz, the director at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics at Garching and professor at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany and Anne L’Huillier, a professor at Lund University in Sweden.

Their prize came after the three scientists "demonstrated a way to create extremely short pulses of light that can be used to measure the rapid processes in which electrons move or change energy," according to the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.

The laurates' experiments produced extremely short pulses of light, called attoseconds, that were used to demonstrate it was possible to obtain images of processes inside atoms and molecules. According to the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, attoseconds are so short that there are as many in one second has there have been seconds since the birth of the universe.

The Nobel Prize was 11 million Swedish krona, or the equivalent of around $993,000, which will be shared equally between the laureates.

The other Nobel Prizes – in chemistry, literature, peace and economic sciences – will be awarded every day for the remainder of this week and on Monday, Oct. 9.


This section is a portfolio that showcases the various certificates I have obtained from training courses I have taken outside of my academic curriculum. These courses cover linguistic, technological, scientific and graphic fields, such as Elsevier Researcher Academy and Mind Luster. 

The 2023-2024 academic year at the Heigher School of Agronomy saw the inauguration of the first physics course taught in English by Dr. ABBES LABDELLI in the presence of the Director of the School, his staff and a few teachers.  Read more