Online Workshop on

Science Communication 2022:

The Art of Story Telling

24-29th January, 2022

Registration Date Extended to 22ndJanuary, 2022


The purpose of scientific research is to provide solutions to the worlds diverse problems and it is important to keep the public informed about the progress made in the field. Empowering the public with knowledge to make informed decision about utilizing scientific and technological advancements would help in securing a sustainable planet for our future generations.

The objective of this workshop is to expose the participants to various facets of science communications. Communicators must make discoveries in nature and inventions in laboratories engaging, relevant and easily comprehensible. The workshop intends to skill them in creating emotional connections between scientists and their research on the one hand and people and their problems on the other hand.


Centre for the Environment

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Guwahati- 781 039