Download When Others Are Sleeping By Jolly Felix

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On orders of the king, Liam prepares to sail the __________________ to a distant island, to procure a medical plant, Dreamshade, which is rumored to heal all wounds. Along with this duty, he is given a sextant for celestial navigation, star charts for a path to the island and back, and a large sail made of Pegasus feathers. For the journey, Liam brings Killian along with him. During the trip at sea, the crew's lives are endangered when they are attacked by two ships from behind. To make a hasty escape, Liam orders for the Pegasus sail to be unveiled. Once it is fully uncovered, the ship, powered by the Pegasus feathers, lifts up off from the ocean's waters and into the skies. The two brothers arrive at the island of Neverland and take a rowboat to shore. They meet a boy named Peter Pan who warns them that Dreamshade is poisonous, but Liam doesn't listen while Killian is beginning to have doubts. Liam purposely cuts himself with a branch of Dreamshade and he passes out from the spreading poison. Killian is allowed access to healing water by Pan but is urged against leaving the island if he and his brother can't pay the price. Liam is healed and they begin sailing home with intentions of exposing their king's cruel ways. Once out of Neverland's waters, Liam dies a fatal death as the price of leaving, and Killian later buries him at sea. Fueled by anger and a sense of justice, he convinces the crew to renounce the king by telling them the truth, and they all take on the life of pirates while the 1__________________ is renamed the 2___________. 3_____________

Tiger Lily, an Indigenous girl living in Neverland with her tribe, sees Peter as a younger brother in desperate need of guidance. She helps him and the Lost Boys, protecting them, getting them out of sticky situations and even rendering medical aid when Peter gets injured. (She also sets an example for Wendy, who is similarly learning how to be a big sister to her brothers, John and Michael.)

Stacie has been working in education and training for over 15 years. She is happiest when she can empower others through education. She loves new adventures and spends her free time discovering new trails to mountain bike and hike on with her goldendoodle. 5376163bf9

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