Welcome to my personal webpage
I am an assistant professor at the School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology. My research focus is tailored around operations research methods for stochastic decision making in logistics. Here, I see logistics as *anything that moves within the context of operations and supply chain management*. I take both the perspective of logistics service providers, as well as the perspective from warehousing, manufacturing, production, and inventory control and the relation with optimization.
I have three core areas of expertise:
Stochastic Optimization. Application-inspired development of new methods and theory (stochastic programming, distributionally robust, deep reinforcement learning)
Vehicle Routing and Network Design. I have extensively worked on developing exact and heuristic approaches for many practice-inspired vehicle routing problems. Specifically inventory routing has my interest.
Emerging Applications of Freight Logistics arising in transport, sustainability, city logistics, renewable energy adoption, megacities
I'm associated with the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute, the Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems, and the European Supply Chain Forum.
For a recent overview of my research, consult my Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=nicFYZQAAAAJ&hl=nl&oi=ao