Remote Learning Vocabulary

  1. 🤟Remote Learning- Any learning that has to happen and cannot be done traditionally. This is ideally achieved through communicating and distributing content digitally and getting it back digitally. Learning happens through videos, audio, games, interactives, reading, and assessments. This type of instruction may be necessary because of parent choice, student quarantine, or other non-related absence.

  2. 👍🏻Learning Management System (LMS)- a place for teachers to put content, assignments, assessments, and more for students to submit work back to him/her digitally. Content is typically not included but is added by the teacher. Some examples: Canvas, Schoology, Blackboard, Moodle, and Google Classroom

  3. 😎 PowerSchool (SIS)- School information system that will go into effect next school year (postponed due to the pandemic). This will be the new iNow to handle student information, enrollment, registration, and gradebook.

  4. 🤭 Schoology- A Learning Management System (LMS) that has been around for years. It is used by schools across the country. It was purchased in 2019 by PowerSchool. Schoology is the LMS that was purchased by ALSDE. Schoology will sync to PowerSchool (SIS) next school year (2021-2022). Schoology grades will not sync to iNow.

  5. ☕️PowerSchool Professional Learning (PSPL)- The platform where you go to registered for professional development courses.

  6. 👌🏻PowerTeacher Portal- PowerSchool landing page for teachers. Mini SIS where student info is accessible for teachers. Attendance is taken here.

  7. ➡️PowerTeacher Pro (PTP)- PowerSchool grade book program. If using Schoology, grade book setup can be done in both places so that the programs will sync assignment names and grades.

  8. 👀Special Programs- The new SETS program where special education program information will be.

  9. 💼Performance Matters- Analytics program that will track data across state tests and other benchmarks. Also, an app that can be downloaded in order to see information for an employee's PSPL account.