Scholarship Tips

  1. Don't miss deadlines

You can't win if the applications are closed.

  1. Apply to small scholarships

Small scholarships will have less competition, which means a greater chance of you winning.

  1. Apply to as many scholarships as possible

You may only get $100, but win multiple times and the small wins add up.

  1. Build a professional online presence

Many sponsors research their applicants on social media. Make sure you are keeping a professional profile.

  1. Look for personal connections

Some workplaces offer scholarships to children or relatives of employees. Stick around and make connections with the adults in your life, it may come in handy.

  1. Research The Sponsor

Scholarships are usually sponsored by a company or organization. Some extra research into the sponsor will give you a better understanding of what they're looking for.

  1. Start applying before you reach Grade 12

Most scholarships are only open to Grade 12 students, but there are tons that are open to ALL high school students.

  1. Keep up with applications year-round

Spring deadlines are common, but there are many that have deadlines year-round.

  1. Make your essays personal

Your essays will stand out if they are uniquely you!

  1. Review Review Review

Don't send in an essay that hasn't been typo checked.

  1. Go Local

Local scholarships have less applicants than national scholarships, and local scholarships will be looking for active members of the community (A.K.A You!).

  1. Let Your Personality Shine

Keep your applications professional, but don't be afraid to be yourself.

  1. Budget Your Time

Setting out a couple hours in the week to write essays and applications will allow you to be more productive with your time.

  1. Check The Requirements

Don't apply for scholarships that you're not eligible for.

  1. Stay Persistent!

There will be scholarships that you won't win. Don't let that discourage you.