Objects from the past
What can objects from the past tell us?
Learning intention – We are examining old objects to learn about the past.
Success criteria – We can describe an object and state ideas about its uses.
Introducing artefacts
Artefacts are objects made by people. They are primary sources and can help us learn about the past.
Museums collect, preserve and display artefacts.
View the video to see a collection of old objects used for writing at school.
What objects at your school or home were used in the past?
What do you like to collect?
Young Alex Thompson carried his books to school in this satchel. It was worn like a backpack. His sister May's name is crossed out inside.
How is it similar and different to your backpack?
Ink pens were used for writing. These nibs slotted into the top of a pen to be the writing tip. The nib filled with ink.
Can you see the side that holds the ink in it, a bit like a spoon?
These clay ink pots held writing ink. An ink pen with a nib was dipped into the hole, like a paintbrush.
They are 5cm wide and 5cm high.
Why do you think they have a small and not a wide hole on the top?
Objects used at school
The objects above were used by students at school in the past.
Examine the objects.
Talk with a partner to discuss what you see, think and wonder.
Use the questions as a guide.
You could write your answers on the recording sheet.
What is it made from?
What shape is it?
What details does it have?
How was it used?
Why do you think it was important?
What can you learn from examining it?
What do you wonder about the object?
School readers
The New Australian School Series of readers were used from around 1900. They replaced the Australian School Series.
The Second Reader was used by 6 and 7 year old students.
View the video to listen to and read Lesson 20.
What is the message of the story?
Examine the copy of the lesson (button below).
What words aren't often used today?
How is the reader similar and different to your readers?
Stories from objects
The story of an object's past is what gives it meaning.
Read Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge to discover some objects that hold memories.
Do you have precious objects passed down through your family?
Show and tell the story of interesting old object from home. If possible, bring it to school so your classmates can see it.
Mini museum
Set up a museum display of old objects used at school and everyday life in your learning space or library.
Write labels for each object and an interesting fact.
Why do we keep old and precious objects?
How can we care for old objects?
How can their stories be shared?
Storytime – Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge, YouTube video (UOW Early Start, 6:33min)