Виршич Таисия Николаевна

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Государственное учреждение образования

«Средняя школа №8»


урока в 10 классе по теме

«Citizen of the World»

Учитель : Виршич Т.Н.

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся средствами

средствами английского языка.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: - способствовать развитию умений и навыков устной речи

на основе прочитанного текста;

- создать условия для формирования лексических навыков

чтения и говорения;

Развивающие: - создать условия для исследовательских умений учащихся,

способности к распределению внимания, развитию

развитию способности к анализу, к догадке, делать

выводы из прочитанного;

- способствовать формированию навыков самостоятельной,

парной, групповой работы, навыков взаимо и самоконтроля;

Воспитательные: - способствовать воспитанию у учащихся ответственного

отношения к учебе, интереса к предмету, любви к родине

и окружающему миру;

Оборудование: тексты для чтения, дидактический материал, портрет ученого.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

2. Речевая разминка.

What makes any country famous?

What makes you proud of your country?

Do you feel lucky to live here?

3.Целеполагание и мотивация.

Today we’ll learn the lifefacts about an outstanding person. You are to get information from the text, discuss it and express your opinions.

4.Предтекстовый этап. Активизация лексики по теме.

Look at the list of the names. Can you say what these people are famous for? Use the adjectives from ex.2a p.186 to describe the people.

5.Now we are going to work in 3 groups. Read the text , share your opinion.

a) When and how did the country celebrate the 100-th birthday of Borys Kit?

b)biographical facts;

c)scientific activities in the field of astronautics;

6. Rearrange the groups and give as many facts from Borys Kit’s life as you can

7. Read three fateful episodes from Borys Kit’s life and put verbs into the right form.

1. It (happen) ___________ at the Stefan Batory University (Vilnius). Borys Kit (queue)______________up to register for a history course. Then, tired of waiting, Kit (change)___________his mind and (switch)_________ to the shorter line for enrolling in the mathematics course.

2. Following the Nazi invasion of Belarus in June 1941. Kit (continue)___________

his teaching work and even (get)_____________permission to open a higher education school that managed to provide a university programme in spite of the German ban. Kit (arrest)__________one day as German troops (round)__________up people in the street. Suspected of having contacts with partisans he (throw)__________into jail. “ Every evening they’d come and take some at random to be shot. When I was released after a month, there were only 5 of us left!’’ ,he recalls.

3. As the red Army advanced, Kit (flee)________abroad with his young family. “I always wanted to see California”, he recalls, explaining his move to Los Angeles where he (work)_______________as a chemist and pharmacist from 1950. His life changed after he (meet)___________a scientist at a reunion of a local Polish organization. ”He told me he (study)__________at Warsaw Polytechnic and (ask)________me about my background,” Kit recalls. “ When I told him I held a Master of mathematics from Vilnius University, he said: “ I work for North American Aviation; you are the kind of person we need--- come join us! “ Which I did

8.Many people all over the world are interested in the processes which are taken in this country and they want to know about the development of Belarusian science.

What questions would you ask Belarusian scientists?

9.Hometask. In a new district of Molodechno a new street has just been built.

Now there is a competition among citizens of Molodechno for the best name of it. You are sure that the street should be named after a scientist. Try to convince the jury in it.

10.Стадия рефлексии.

For summing up I offer you analyze these words by Borys Kit.

‘’ Everything I did in my life I did for my homeland and its fame”