Those Eyes Speak Up Download Mp3

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The emphasis on eyes in beauty is greater than ever due to the adoption of masks during the pandemic. Healthy, fuller eyelashes and brows complement and flatter the eyes, whether the customer wears makeup or not.

Inspired by the traditional uses of the botanical, LLS Beauty created Resulook advanced botanical ingredient to bring new life to the appearance of the eyes. This unique benefit is thanks to the use of Phenobio subcritical water technology, an eco-friendly alternative to conventional chemical solvents which generates a broader range of phytoactives in higher concentrations.

Communication mistakes occur regularly. Statements can be taken out of context; what is said might be misheard; or body language can send an unintended message. Did you know that a person can communicate with their eyes and never say a word? Our eyes show emotion, build connections and indicate interest. Communication mistakes can even happen when using eye contact.

Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Quentin Tyler, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.

The eyelid also has great reflexes, which are automatic body responses, that protect the eye. When you step into bright light, for example, the eyelids squeeze together tightly to protect your eyes until they can adjust to the light. And if you flutter your fingers close (but not too close!) to your friend's eyes, you'll be sure to see your friend's eyes blink. Your friend's eyelids shut automatically to protect the eye from possible danger. And speaking of fluttering, don't forget eyelashes. They work with the eyelids to keep dirt and other unwanted stuff out of your eyes.

Behind the cornea are the iris, the pupil, and the anterior chamber. The ____ (say: EYE-riss) is the colorful part of the eye. When we say a person has blue eyes, we really mean the person has blue irises! The iris has muscles attached to it that change its shape. This allows the iris to control how much light goes through the 1_____ (say: PYOO-pul).

The 2______is the black circle in the center of the iris, which is really an opening in the iris, and it lets light enter the eye. To see how this works, use a small flashlight to see how your eyes or a friend's eyes respond to changes in brightness. The pupils will get smaller when the light shines near them and they'll open wider when the light is gone.

These next parts are really cool, but you can't see them with just your own eyes! Doctors use special microscopes to look at these inner parts of the eye, such as the lens. After light enters the pupil, it hits the lens. The lens sits behind the iris and is clear and colorless.

Think of the 3___________ as the great messenger in the back of your eye. The rods and cones of the retina change the colors and shapes you see into millions of nerve messages. Then, the optic nerve carries those messages from the eye to the brain!

Your eyes sometimes make more tear fluid than normal to protect themselves. This may have happened to you if you've been poked in the eye, if you've been in a dusty or smoking area, or if you've been near someone who's cutting onions.

So let this be a warning to people who continue to speak with their eyes closed. In the same way that recent GDPR regulations are stipulating companies should only keep the personal information of customers according to what is actually needed, we human folk should really only blink for as long as is actually needed. Which is 0.3 of a second, to be exact.

Never look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse (except during the very brief time the sun is in total eclipse; and even then, with caution). Looking directly at the sun can cause permanent damage to your eyes. After viewing a solar eclipse, seek treatment from an eye care professional if you or your child have any changes in vision that continue to get worse.

It is 4__________ to look at a partial solar eclipse without proper safety equipment or techniques. During the very brief time the sun is in total solar eclipse it is safe to look at it, but do so with caution. Even during the total solar eclipse, the total eclipse may last only a short period of time, and if you are looking towards the sun as the moon moves away from blocking the sun, you might get a solar burn on your retina which can cause permanent damage to your eyes. Talk with your eye care professional to determine the best viewing option for you. Here a few common ways to safely watch a solar eclipse:

5_________________________: Unless specifically designed for viewing a solar eclipse, no filter is safe to use with any optical device (telescopes, binoculars, etc). All color film, black-and-white film that contains no silver, photographic negatives with images on them (x-rays and snapshots), smoked glass, sunglasses (single or multiple pairs), photographic neutral density filters and polarizing filters are unsafe filters to watch a solar eclipse. Also, solar filters designed for eyepieces that come with inexpensive telescopes are also unsafe. All of these items can increase your risk of damaging your eyes.


In 1981, Hospice of the Red River Valley was founded on the belief that everyone deserves access to high-quality end-of-life care. We fulfill our nonprofit mission by providing medical, emotional, personal and spiritual care, as well as grief support to our patients, their families and caregivers during a tender time in life. Our staff helps those we serve experience more meaningful moments through exceptional hospice care, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, wherever a patient calls home. The organization serves more than 40,000 square miles in North Dakota and Minnesota, including in and around Bismarck, Detroit Lakes, Devils Lake, Fargo, Fergus Falls, Grand Forks, Lisbon, Thief River Falls, Valley City and many more communities. Hospice of the Red River Valley offers round-the-clock availability via phone, prompt response times and same-day admissions, including evenings, weekends and holidays. Contact us anytime at 800-237-4629 or

For your eye doctor to look inside your eyes, your pupils must be dilated (widened). Dilating eye drops enlarge your pupils and keep them from getting smaller when the doctor shines light in your eyes.

Your eye doctor will put a small amount of dilating eye drops into each of your eyes. It usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes for your pupils to fully open. Light-colored eyes (such as blue, green or hazel) will dilate faster than brown eyes.

While your eyes are dilated, your vision will be blurry. You will have trouble focusing on close objects. You also will be extra sensitive to bright light. If your eyes will be dilated for an exam or procedure, bring sunglasses with you. They will help with the glare and light sensitivity when you leave your appointment.

The effects of dilating eye drops last a few to several hours. Your eye doctor cannot tell you how blurry your vision will be and for how long. That depends on the type of dilating eye drop used and how your eyes react. It may not be safe to drive yourself after having your eyes dilated. You should make arrangements to have someone drive you after your appointment.

When people look into your eyes, do they see life or death? When you speak, do your eyes twinkle with sincerity and excitement or do they radiate judgment and darkness? Our eyes speak louder than anything that could flow from our mouths, filtered or not.

Faith and trust enables us to see through the Lens of Love Himself with no borders and/or boundaries leading us to sojourn confidently while taking risks and living in peace that surpasses all knowledge. What story do your eyes show?

It can be difficult to communicate when you can only move your eyes, as is often the case for people with ALS (also known as motor neurone disease). Microsoft researchers have developed an app to make talking with your eyes easier, called GazeSpeak.

GazeSpeak selects the appropriate letter from each group by predicting the word the speaker wants to say based on the most common English words, similar to predictive text messaging. The speaker indicates they have finished a word by winking or looking straight ahead for two seconds. The system also takes into account added lists of words, like names or places that the speaker is likely to use. The top four word predictions are shown onscreen, and the top one is read aloud.

We explore effective strategies for controlling myopia, including specialized soft contact lenses and low-dose atropine treatments. Allied Vision Services provides expert care and tailored solutions for those battling nearsightedness. Contact us to schedule an appointment and take control of your or your child's eye health today.

The eyes truly are the window to the soul. They carry the secrets and truths of a human being, have the capability to set hearts ablaze, and they can capture a crowd's attention without a single word spoken. These eye contact quotes are all about the mesmerizing nature of the eyes, and how powerful one glance can truly be.

One look into those soulful eyes, and you knew there was no coming back. It's hard to describe how hard and swift you fell when staring into those dark brown pools of mystery or bright, clear baby blues, but these quotes will help you find the words.

Never take those soulful eyes for granted. Once the language and bond of eye contact is established, it should be cherished. Savor the knowing looks, the love and understanding that exists without a single word, and the intimacy built on nothing but glances and stares. The eye contact between two people says so much without ever saying a single thing at all. 5376163bf9

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