Schmooze - Where culinary delights meet artistic heights

In the heart of Ahmedabad, hidden amidst the bustle and hidden gems that beckons people seeking a culinary escape coupled with artistic delights.

Welcome to Schmooze, an artistic rooftop cafe that transcends conventional restaurant boundaries for a unique experience and immersive offers. From delectable dishes that tempt their taste buds to a serene rooftop that tug at the soul, Schmooze has become a sanctuary for foodies, art lovers and a artistic escape


Culinary Delights: A Gastronomic Symphony


Schmooze prides itself on creating a menu that is a blend of global flavors and local favorites. Schmooze chefs believe that food is more than just hunger-soothing; It is a sensory experience that uses taste, smell, and sight. The menu ranges from mouth-watering dishes to sumptuous main courses and heavenly desserts.

Stepping up to the terrace, you are greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and warm sweet treats. The kitchen team at Schmooze prepares each dish with precision, using only the freshest and best ingredients. This is a vegetarian kitchen, with something on the menu that is sure to satisfy your palate. The signature dishes at Schmooze - the special paneer tikka masala spice blend or the chocolate decadence dessert of melt-in-your-mouth goodness - can't be left to mere lists of items. It is a culinary journey that tells a story of passion and innovation in the kitchen.

The Rooftop Oasis: Serenity in the City

The magic of the schmooze extends beyond the plates to the sumptuous terrace that awaits diners. When you step onto the porch, something amazing appears before your eyes. The city’s skyline comes alive with bright lights and a gentle breeze bringing the promise of a peaceful evening. Schmooze's rooftop setting is carefully designed to create peace amidst the urban chaos. Comfortable chairs, soft lighting, and a touch of greenery transport you to another world. Whether you want a quiet dinner for two or a fun get-together with friends, Schmooze provides the perfect backdrop for any occasion. 

Artistic Workshops: Nurturing Creativity


What sets Schmooze apart from your typical rooftop cafe is its commitment to creativity. The café goes beyond being just a place to eat; It is a canvas for artistic expression. Schmooze offers workshops, inviting local artists and enthusiasts to come together and explore their creative side. From painting workshops that unleash the artist within to hands-on workshops in string art,  canvas paintings, and pottery, Schmooze is a focal point for artistic endeavors. The café celebrates the power of art in healing and aims to provide a platform for experienced artists and a platform for beginners to connect, learn and create.

Entertainment Extravaganza: Beyond Culinary Delights 

Schmooze Rooftop Cafe is more than just delicious food and artistic displays; It is a multi-faceted place that caters to different tastes. For those looking for entertainment beyond the canvas, Schmooze hosts open mic nights, with local talent in music and stand-up comedy. The stage is set for individuals to showcase their skills and for the audience to enjoy a night of comedy and music.


The café also accepts bookings for family and friends events, turning any celebration into an event to remember. Birthdays, anniversaries, New Year’s Eve parties, and special occasions are elevated by the relaxed and inviting vibe that Schmooze exudes in a rooftop setting that is the perfect backdrop to create cherished memories.


Themed Dance Parties & Live Sports Screenings

As the night progresses, Schmooze dancing can also turn into a hotspot for romance. The cafe hosts themed dance parties, bringing people together under the stars to throb a selection of music. From retro nights to contemporary live music, Schmooze’s dance floor is a place where the city brings sound and energy to life. 

Sports enthusiasts are not left out at Schmooze. The cafe shows live streaming of popular sports such as cricket, football, and F1, creating an electric atmosphere for fans to cheer on their favorite teams. The eclectic atmosphere on the roof takes the fun of the game to a whole new level, turning every match into a communal celebration.

In a city where every corner tells a story, Schmooze stands out as a testament to the fusion of culinary excellence and artistic exploration. It’s more than a cafe; It’s a place that invites you to taste life, create art, celebrate special moments, and dance under the stars. Schmooze is a celebration of the best things in life - good food, artistic expression, friendship, and the joy of living in the moment. 

So, the next time you’re craving a unique experience, elevate your imagination and head to Schmooze, where every visit is a journey into the heart of creativity and culinary delight.