Kutrala Kuravanji Tamil Pdf Download

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Kutrala Kuravanji Tamil PDF Download: A Classic Tamil Poem

Kutrala Kuravanji is a famous Tamil poem written by Tirikooda Rasappa Kavirayar in the 18th century. It is a type of kuravanji, a genre of Tamil literature that depicts the love story of a hero and a heroine belonging to different social classes. The poem is set in the backdrop of Kutralam, a scenic waterfall and a popular tourist destination in Tamil Nadu.

In this article, we will give you an overview of the poem, its themes, characters, and style. We will also provide you with a link to download the Kutrala Kuravanji Tamil PDF for free.

What is Kutrala Kuravanji about?

Kutrala Kuravanji tells the story of Sundaresa Mudaliar, a wealthy merchant from Madurai, who visits Kutralam with his friends. There he meets Valli, a beautiful kurathi (gypsy) girl who sells flowers near the waterfall. Sundaresa falls in love with Valli at first sight and tries to woo her with his wealth and gifts. Valli, however, is not impressed by his materialistic approach and rejects his advances.

Sundaresa then seeks the help of Manimekalai, Valli's friend and a fortune-teller. Manimekalai tells him that Valli is destined to be his wife in this birth, but she also warns him that he has to face many obstacles and challenges before he can win her heart. She advises him to be patient, humble, and sincere in his love.

The poem then narrates the various trials and tribulations that Sundaresa undergoes to prove his love for Valli. He faces the wrath of Valli's father, the jealousy of his rivals, the interference of his friends, and the temptations of other women. He also undergoes a series of tests by Valli herself, who wants to test his character and commitment.

Finally, after overcoming all the hurdles, Sundaresa succeeds in convincing Valli of his true love. Valli agrees to marry him and they live happily ever after.

What are the themes of Kutrala Kuravanji?

Kutrala Kuravanji is a poem that explores the theme of love in its various aspects. It shows how love can transcend the barriers of caste, class, religion, and culture. It also shows how love can inspire courage, sacrifice, devotion, and loyalty.

The poem also reflects the social and cultural values of its time. It portrays the contrast between the urban and rural lifestyles, the rich and the poor, the orthodox and the liberal. It also depicts the customs and traditions of the kurathi community, such as their dress, dance, music, rituals, and beliefs.

Another theme that runs through the poem is the role of fate and destiny in human affairs. The poem suggests that fate is predetermined by one's past actions (karma) and that one has to accept it with resignation (bhakti). However, it also implies that fate can be changed by one's present actions (dharma) and that one has to strive for it with effort (shakti).

Who are the main characters of Kutrala Kuravanji?

The main characters of Kutrala Kuravanji are:

Sundaresa Mudaliar: The hero of the poem. He is a rich merchant from Madurai who falls in love with Valli.

Valli: The heroine of the poem. She is a kurathi girl who sells flowers near Kutralam waterfall. She is beautiful, intelligent, witty, and proud.

Manimekalai: Valli's friend and confidante. She is a fortune-teller who helps Sundaresa in his quest for Valli's love.

Kannappan: Valli's father and the leader of the kurathi tribe. He is opposed to Sundaresa's marriage proposal for Valli. 66dfd1ed39

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