Sequential Scenario-Specific Meta Learner for Online Recommendation

Zhengxiao Du, Xiaowei Wang, Hongxia Yang, Jingren Zhou, Jie Tang


Cold-start problems are long-standing challenges for practical recommendations. Most existing recommendation algorithms rely on extensive observed data and are brittle to recommendation scenarios with few interactions. This paper addresses such problems using few-shot learning and meta learning. Our approach is based on the insight that having a good generalization from a few examples relies on both a generic model initialization and an effective strategy for adapting this model to newly arising tasks. To accomplish this, we combine the scenario-specific learning with a model-agnostic sequential meta-learning and unify them into an integrated end-to-end framework, namely Scenario-specific Sequential Meta learner (or s^2Meta). By doing so, our meta-learner produces a generic initial model through aggregating contextual information from a variety of prediction tasks while effectively adapting to specific tasks by leveraging learning-to-learn knowledge. Extensive experiments on various real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed model can achieve significant gains over the state-of-the-arts for cold-start problems in online recommendation. The source code is available at Deployment is at the Guess You Like session, the front page of the Mobile Taobao; and the illustration video can also be watched


Zhengxiao Du, Xiaowei Wang, Hongxia Yang, Jingren Zhou, Jie Tang

Sequential Scenario-Specific Meta Learner for Online Recommendation (KDD'19)

[arXiv] [Code & Data]


To facilitate further research on scenario-aware/context-award recommender systems, we release a large-scale dataset containing user-item interactions in different recommendation scenarios. The dataset is generated from the click log of Cloud Theme, which is an important recommendation procedure in Taobao app. Different themes correspond to different scenarios of purchase, e.g., “what to take when traveling” , “how to dress up yourself on a party”, “things to prepare when a baby is coming”, etc. In each scenario, a collection of items in related categories are displayed, according to the scenario as well as user’s interests. The dataset includes more than 1.4 million clicks from 355 different scenarios in a 6-days promotion season, with one month purchase history of users before the promotion started. For more information, visit