Kristen Alexander

Student, Associate in Arts

"Thank you for Applying, But" Jobs I applied for but didn't get:

Pharmacy Compliance Specialist. I have the drive for it but not enough experience I suppose.

Things I swore I'd finish but never did:

I have always wanted to write a book. I have a million stories floating around in my head but can’t seem to get them on paper.

Memories I made while I wasn't studying/working:

I love learning and adventure! As I write this very text I am in Tennessee for an expo! I have two days of classes on things from coaching to marketing.

TV shows, movies, and books I've enjoyed:

The Wheel of time is my all time favorite book series! It’s a show now! The Sound of Music will always be my favorite movie.

Things I'm proud of that you won't see on my resumé:

I’ve flown an airplane, I have poetry published in a few books, I am an active volunteer for the AYSO, I was in Civil Air Patrol growing up.

Quirks that make me who I am:

I’m blunt, artistic and kind hearted to a fault.

Life events that made me stronger:

I have faced entirely too much trauma in my life, but it has made me strong and determined. It has made me kind and always ready to jump in and help others that are struggling.

Unconventional skills:

I can play a few different instruments. I can fly an airplane. I know my way around a few power tools. I like to restore furniture and remodel my house.