Junit 5 Download

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JUnit is linked as a JAR at compile-time. The latest version of the framework, JUnit 5, resides under package org.junit.jupiter.[3] Previous versions JUnit 4[3] and JUnit 3 were under packages org.junit and junit.framework, respectively.

Apache Ant, also known as Ant, is one of the build tools with the highest degree of versatility, and has the longest history out of the three build tools listed above.[8] Ant centers around the build.xml file, used for configuring the tasks necessary to run a project.[8] Ant also has an extension called Apache Ivy, which helps deal with dependency resolution. The project dependencies can be declared in the ivy.xml file. Ant can integrate with JUnit 5 by configuring the Java code coverage tools (JaCoCo), for the ivy.xml file.[8] The ivy.xml can then be configured with the java-platform-console and junit-platform-runner dependencies to integrate with JUnit 5. [9]

Gradle is a build tool that borrows many concepts from its predecessors, Ant and Maven.[11] It uses the build.gradle file to declare the steps required for the project build.[11] Unlike Ant and Maven, which are XML-based, Gradle requires the use of Apache Groovy, which is a Java-based programming language.[11] Unlike Ant and Maven, Gradle does not require the use of XML.[11] Gradle still adheres to Maven's "convention over configuration" approach, and follows the same structure for src/main/java and src/test/java directories.[11] Gradle can integrate with JUnit 5 by configuring a plugin jacoco alongside the junit-platform plug-in given by the JUnit 5 team in the build file.[13]

You can use the junit.jupiter.displayname.generator.defaultconfiguration parameter to specify the fully qualifiedclass name of the DisplayNameGenerator you would like to use by default. Just like fordisplay name generators configured via the @DisplayNameGeneration annotation, thesupplied class has to implement the DisplayNameGenerator interface. The default displayname generator will be used for all tests unless the @DisplayNameGeneration annotationis present on an enclosing test class or test interface. Values provided via@DisplayName annotations always take precedence over display names generated by aDisplayNameGenerator.

For example, to use the ReplaceUnderscores display name generator by default, you shouldset the configuration parameter to the corresponding fully qualified class name (e.g., insrc/test/resources/junit-platform.properties):

JUnit Jupiter comes with many of the assertion methods that JUnit 4 has and adds a fewthat lend themselves well to being used with Java 8 lambdas. All JUnit Jupiter assertionsare static methods in the org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions class.

JUnit Jupiter also comes with a few assertion methods that lend themselves well to beingused in Kotlin. All JUnit Jupiter Kotlin assertions are top-levelfunctions in the org.junit.jupiter.api package.

JUnit Jupiter comes with a subset of the assumption methods that JUnit 4 provides andadds a few that lend themselves well to being used with Java 8 lambda expressions andmethod references. All JUnit Jupiter assumptions are static methods in theorg.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions class.

The ExecutionCondition extension API in JUnit Jupiter allowsdevelopers to either enable or disable a container or test based on certainconditions programmatically. The simplest example of such a condition is the built-inDisabledCondition which supports the @Disabled annotation (seeDisabling Tests). In addition to @Disabled, JUnit Jupiter also supportsseveral other annotation-based conditions in the org.junit.jupiter.api.conditionpackage that allow developers to enable or disable containers and tests declaratively.When multiple ExecutionCondition extensions are registered, a container or test isdisabled as soon as one of the conditions returns disabled. If you wish to providedetails about why they might be disabled, every annotation associated with these built-inconditions has a disabledReason attribute available for that purpose.

Unless otherwise stated, each of the conditional annotations listed in the followingsections can only be declared once on a given test interface, test class, or test method.If a conditional annotation is directly present, indirectly present, or meta-presentmultiple times on a given element, only the first such annotation discovered by JUnit willbe used; any additional declarations will be silently ignored. Note, however, that eachconditional annotation may be used in conjunction with other conditional annotations inthe org.junit.jupiter.api.condition package.

You can use the junit.jupiter.testmethod.order.default configuration parameter to specify the fully qualified class name of theMethodOrderer you would like to use by default. Just like for the orderer configuredvia the @TestMethodOrder annotation, the supplied class has to implement theMethodOrderer interface. The default orderer will be used for all tests unless the@TestMethodOrder annotation is present on an enclosing test class or test interface.

For example, to use the MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation method orderer by default, youshould set the configuration parameter to the corresponding fully qualified class name(e.g., in src/test/resources/junit-platform.properties):

To configure test class execution order globally for the entire test suite, use thejunit.jupiter.testclass.order.default configurationparameter to specify the fully qualified class name of the ClassOrderer you wouldlike to use. The supplied class must implement the ClassOrderer interface.

For example, for the @Order annotation to be honored on test classes, you shouldconfigure the ClassOrderer.OrderAnnotation class orderer using the configurationparameter with the corresponding fully qualified class name (e.g., insrc/test/resources/junit-platform.properties):

To configure test class execution order locally for @Nested test classes, declare the@TestClassOrder annotation on the enclosing class for the @Nested test classes youwant to order, and supply a class reference to the ClassOrderer implementation you wouldlike to use directly in the @TestClassOrder annotation. The configured ClassOrdererwill be applied recursively to @Nested test classes and their @Nested test classes.Note that a local @TestClassOrder declaration always overrides an inherited@TestClassOrder declaration or a ClassOrderer configured globally via thejunit.jupiter.testclass.order.default configuration parameter.

If a test class or test interface is not annotated with @TestInstance, JUnit Jupiterwill use a default lifecycle mode. The standard default mode is PER_METHOD;however, it is possible to change the default for the execution of an entire test plan.To change the default test instance lifecycle mode, set thejunit.jupiter.testinstance.lifecycle.default configuration parameter to the name ofan enum constant defined in TestInstance.Lifecycle, ignoring case. This can be suppliedas a JVM system property, as a configuration parameter in theLauncherDiscoveryRequest that is passed to the Launcher, or via the JUnit Platformconfiguration file (see Configuration Parameters for details).

To set the default test instance lifecycle mode to Lifecycle.PER_CLASS via the JUnitPlatform configuration file, create a file named junit-platform.properties in the rootof the class path (e.g., src/test/resources) with the following content.

Out of the box, JUnit Jupiter provides quite a few source annotations. Each of thefollowing subsections provides a brief overview and an example for each of them. Pleaserefer to the Javadoc in the org.junit.jupiter.params.provider package for additionalinformation.

Explicit argument converters are meant to be implemented by test and extension authors.Thus, junit-jupiter-params only provides a single explicit argument converter that mayalso serve as a reference implementation: JavaTimeArgumentConverter. It is used via thecomposed annotation JavaTimeConversionPattern.

When INFERRED (default) thread mode is used, the thread mode is resolved via thejunit.jupiter.execution.timeout.thread.mode.default configuration parameter. If theprovided configuration parameter is invalid or not present then SAME_THREAD is used asfallback.

More specific configuration parameters override less specific ones. For example,junit.jupiter.execution.timeout.test.method.default overridesjunit.jupiter.execution.timeout.testable.method.default which overridesjunit.jupiter.execution.timeout.default.

JUnit Jupiter supports the junit.jupiter.execution.timeout.mode configuration parameterto configure when timeouts are applied. There are three modes: enabled, disabled,and disabled_on_debug. The default mode is enabled.A VM runtime is considered to run in debug mode when one of its input parameters startswith -agentlib:jdwp or -Xrunjdwp.This heuristic is queried by the disabled_on_debug mode.

By default, nodes in the test tree use the SAME_THREAD execution mode. You can changethe default by setting the junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.default configurationparameter. Alternatively, you can use the @Execution annotation to change theexecution mode for the annotated element and its subelements (if any) which allows you toactivate parallel execution for individual test classes, one by one.

In addition, you can configure the default execution mode for top-level classes by settingthe junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.classes.default configuration parameter. Bycombining both configuration parameters, you can configure classes to run in parallel buttheir methods in the same thread:

The following diagram illustrates how the execution of two top-level test classes A andB with two test methods per class behaves for all four combinations ofjunit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.default andjunit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.classes.default (see labels in first column).

Computes the desired parallelism based on the number of available processors/coresmultiplied by the junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.config.dynamic.factorconfiguration parameter (defaults to 1).The optional junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.config.dynamic.max-pool-size-factorconfiguration parameter can be used to limit the maximum number of threads. 5376163bf9

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