1st Place Winner of the VHSL One-Act Competition!

Never Swim Alone

Runs an average of 33 minutes

Thank you for seeing our show!


Never Swim Alone, written by Canadian playwright Daniel MacIvor, is a funny, satirical story about Frank and Bill. The two egotistical menonce childhood best friendsare locked in a ruthless competition of one-upmanship for seemingly no reason. The stylized thirteen-round match is overseen by the Referee, who decides the winner of each round.

The question they are trying to settle: which man is the first man?

The Competition

Round One: Stature

Round Two: Uniforms

Round Three: Who Falls Dead The Best?

Round Four: Friendly Advice, Part I

Round Five: Friendly Advice, Part II

Round Six: Members Only

Round Seven: Dad

Round Eight: The Big Brain or The Big Heart?

Round Nine: Power Lunch

Round Ten: Business Ties

Round Eleven: My Boy

Round Twelve: Rumors of Glory

Round Thirteen: ???

Special thanks to Kimberly Hurd, Kimberly Greer, Phia Colabatistto, Cassie Keating, and Scott Nurmi
Never Swim Alone was first produced in 1991 by da da kamera at Platform 9 Theatre in the Theatre Centre in Toronto. Never Swim Alone is staged by arrangement with Pam Winter, GGA.