
Our roadmap is a reflection of what we are planning this point it time. As with any future plans, they are subject to change. Please do not rely on this roadmap for making a purchase decision and instead talk to your Savvas account manager. The features and functionality are subject to change as we make changes in priority and approach.

In development

Teacher class setup

Currently, teachers whose LMS user account is linked to their auto-rostered Savvas account can only set up classes within schools they're already associated with based on their auto-roster data. This might limit options for teachers who work across multiple schools within a district.

Soon, teachers will have the ability to select any school within their district when creating a new class in Savvas Realize, ensuring they can manage classes across their assigned schools.

In research

Simplify hidding Savvas content

Currently, if a teacher hides an assignment in Savvas Realize but it's still accessible in the LMS course, students can still access it. This requires teachers to manage visibility in both platforms.

In an upcoming update, Savvas Realize will automatically respect hidden assignments within the Savvas Realize.  This means:

Hiding in the Savvas Realize is Enough: Once you hide an assignment in Savvas Realize, it will prevent students from seeing the assignment if they are able to open it from the LMS.

Simplified Workflow: No more need to manage visibility in two separate locations.

Data tab

Currently, teachers cannot access the "View Data" link directly from a Savvas assessment when viewed within the LMS (Learning Management System). This requires them to launch Realize to access student performance data.

The Data View button:

In an upcoming update, Savvas Realize will introduce a convenient "Data View" button directly within LMS assessments. With a single click, teachers will be able to access detailed student data reports associated with the specific assessment they're viewing.

Support auto-remediation for LMS courses

Currently you cannot turn on the ability for a Savvas assignment to automatically assign remediation work to students. We are researching on how to make auto-redamation available in LMS courses.