Dark & Light Business Dashboard 

Hello everyone!

I am happy to write this short post, after several requests/questions received about the building process of my recent publication.

I will mainly focus on how I created the Layout in Figma, choosing the right colors for both a light and dark background (basically this was my personal challenge). I won't dwell much on the calculations, my folder is downloadable and you can view them, obviously for any doubt you can write to me and I will be happy to help!

How did I get here?

I created the layout with Figma, using the following color codes for the background and creating a "raised" effect.

Dark Mode

As background color I used #30343 while for the boxes I used #2C2E32.

Light Mode

As background color I used #DEDEDE while for the boxes I used #D9D9D9.

Dark Mode

To create the shadow/raised effect I inserted 2 drop shadow effects setting them as follows: The first, X =18; Y=18; BLUR=20 #24262B; The second, X = -18; Y=-18; BLUR=20 30343A

Light Mode

To create the shadow/raised effect I inserted 2 drop shadow effects setting them as follows: The first, X =18; Y=18; BLUR=20 #BBBBBB; The second, X = -18; Y=-18; BLUR=20 E8E8E8

Click here a short video of the construction in Figma. I hope you find it useful!

Well, now we can download our layout as an image and upload it to Tableau.

Oh I forgot! I chose a size of 1400x900 for my dashboard, remember to set the same frame size on Figma to ensure that it fits well.

And here they are in Tableau! All that remains is to populate it with graphs :)

Colors, personal challenge.

Anyone who has seen my profile on Tableau Public, knows how much I love dark mode. In general, I love all applications that give the user the option to choose between a light or dark mode.

In my previous job, working with 3/4 monitors using tools/software with different carrater fonts, my eyes were desperately trying to black out anything bright on my monitor!

But let's go back to the dashboard...

For those who develop on Tableau you know how tiring this can be, especially if the workbook contains many dashboards and many fields used as color. For example, if we use the Segments field as color, in all sheets, this will always keep the colors set. We do not have the possibility to assign different colors to a single sheet except by duplicating the field. This must be done for all fields used as a color. (if anyone has a faster technique, please share it!).

The workaround for this is to find a color scheme that contrasted well against both dark and light backgrounds, as well as for navigation icons or images, in order to change only the text color.

I am well aware that this is not always possible, but I hope that with my dashboard I have achieved my goal.


For any thoughts or questions, please feel free to connect on Twitter or LinkedIn

Viz Link: https://tabsoft.co/3XLoLSr

That's all!
