SAVE Bren Mar
from a Data Center

bren mar today - your neighborhood tomorrow

May 2 Update

The county is actively reviewing changes to the Zoning Ordinance for Data Center to add increased protections for residents. Our community must be vocal and demand that these changes include robust protections for residents from data centers like that proposed at Plaza 500. We believe if the county acts by the July 16 Board of Supervisors meeting these would have to apply to Plaza 500 (and all future data centers in the county).

On May 2, 6, and 7 the county will be holding virtual community meetings on the proposed changes. Use the Take Action Resources to raise the 6 Key Changes we need at the meetings and in emails to the county Department of Planning and Development, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors.  

NOW is our opportunity to influence the draft amendment text!!

Send an email and plan to attend the meetings (info and resources below)

April 15 Update:

On April 9, over 130 residents attended the Dominion Energy Community Meeting/Open House to express their concerns about the proposed data center electrical substation. In the coming months there will be opportunities to engage Dominion Energy, the State Corporation Commission (which reviews the substation application), and the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors through emails, public hearings, and other communication. 

Save Bren Mar is hard at work determining our next steps in terms of engagement and will be in touch very soon! 

March 12 Update:

Thank you for taking action to contact the Board of Supervisors! More than 400 emails have been sent to the Board and civic and community associations across the county are joining us! Our efforts are drawing attention from the Board and media. Please keep it up because more is needed.

The Board has committed to moving forward on data center changes to the Zoning Ordinance with a July completion date. While this is a positive development, they must act first and immediately to change the Zoning Ordinance to require a Special Exception for data centers in all Industrial Districts. This is the only way to ensure a public process and approval by the Board of Supervisors.

We remain convinced that the Board does have time to lawfully adopt a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to end by right development of data centers. While most site plan submissions are typically approved within "60 days from receipt of a complete submission" (see Zoning Ordinance § 8100.7), they take on average 6 to 9 months before a determination is made. This likely means the Board has more time than it thinks because "the review period only includes the time the site plan is in for County review and does not include such time as may be required by the applicant for revisions or modifications in response to comments from the County to comply with the Ordinance."

 We continue to engage with the county concerning our efforts and are pushing them closer to action.  We met with Sup. Jimenez and his staff to express our community concerns and call on him to take action. We are urgently awaiting his response and plan.

Take Action

Updated May 2

call to action

Send an Email to the Department of Planning, Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors NOW
Sample templates below

Email Department of Planning and Development, Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors

Sample Email to Department of Planning and Development, Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisors:

Email (all):;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  

Subject: Needed Changes to Data Center Zoning Ordinance Amendment 

Text: Dear Department of Planning and Development, Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisors:

As a resident of Fairfax County who is deeply concerned by the impact of data centers on our communities I would first like to thank you for taking action to strengthen data center requirements in our county.  I urge you to act without delay and to commit to your timeline of enacting changes at the July 16 Board of Supervisors hearing.

While the county provided draft text is a start in the right direction, I am asking you to make the following edits and additions to the draft text to the Data Centers proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment prior to the Planning Commission public hearing on June 5. 

The changes below will ensure that residents across the county will be protected from any harmful impacts of any type of data center, including massive data centers larger than 80,000 sq. ft., and ensure that as Chairman McKay indicated, Fairfax County can have the highest standard in the state and country in terms of protecting residents.

Thank you,



Requested Changes to County Data Center Amendment

Key Asks


The county must recognize data centers greater than 80,000 sq. ft. as massive data centers requiring closer scrutiny to ensure conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and mitigate impact on neighboring properties.

The proposed county rationale that data centers should be pushed to I-5 and I-6 districts ignores the reality that nearly all I-5 districts are directly adjacent to Residential districts and raise the very concerns with noise, visuals, and environmental impacts, that these proposed amendments are seeking to address. 

No other industry has such high energy demands that also impact surrounding districts, therefore any building or site plan requiring more than 12 MW of electrical load must require Special Exception approval. Current data centers consume 5 to 20 MW for buildings up to 100,000 sq. ft. and 20 to 100+ MW for over 100,000 sq. ft. (the recently approved Chantilly data center anticiaptes 54 to 75 MW). With the move towards AI, energy usage of data centers will continue to grow exponentially, which means more noise and greater impact on surrounding districts. An article from The Next Platform highlights this impact: “The power consumption goes from 500 watts to 700 watts for a general enterprise-class server to between 2,500 watts and 4,500 watts for a single AI training node. Imagine the heat generated from that compute horsepower then visualize an air conditioning unit trying to cool it with mere chilled air.” 

Use Standards: 

Equipment screening/enclosures: 

The proposed requirement that all equipment for data centers (HVAC, generators, etc.) is a positive addition. However, the exception where the Director of Land Development Services determines that it is not mechanically feasible must be changed to a Special Exception requirement. Noise and other factors caused by exterior equipment are the biggest concerns for residents and decisions of this magnitude should rest solely with the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. Past approvals of massive data centers have shown the only way for the county to obtain the necessary proffers to protect residents, specifically around noise, has been through the Special Exception process. 

Equipment enclosures will grow more and more mechanically challenging as data center technology advances and requires more cooling As such, the county should not provide administrative exceptions to the issues that will have the biggest impacts on residents, especially given the need for data centers to locate close to substations or need new substations built, that many land parcels for data centers are directly adjacent to or within ½ mile of residentially zoned districts, and the trend of data centers moving towards AI servers that require five times more power and much more cooling,

If an exception is needed, it should go through the Special Exception process. If the data center developer is unable to comply with the equipment screening/enclosure standards they must come before the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors and explain why and what they will do to negate the impact on their surrounding districts. 

Size thresholds for by-right data centers: 

The proposed county rationale that data centers should be pushed to I-5 and I-6 districts ignores the reality that all or nearly all I-5 districts are directly adjacent to residential districts and raise the very concerns that these proposed amendments are seeking to address. 

The more electricity that is needed, the more HVACs and generators are needed, adding to the impacts on noise and other factors. If a data center requires over 12 MW or requires a substation to be built, or if other data centers already exist within ¼ mile, then they should go through a Special Exception. 

For example, if a data center requires 75 MW, and 3 MW backup generators are used, then it will need 25 generators and enough HVACs to cool (see Chantilly Premier RZ 2022-SU-00019 noise study requiring over 130 rooftop fans for its 75MW data center). These excessive power requirements are also straining the grid and hampering efforts to combat climate change. 

Setback from residential: 

This is generally consistent with previously approved data centers in the county (see RZ 2022-SU-00019), with a set-back of 0.4 miles and the recommendations of the HOA Roundtable of Northern Virginia. County comparisons to the minimum distance to barns, extraction, or crematory is not a similar comparison as those don't run 24/7. Additionally, barns and extraction facilities are a different nature of use not typically found in urbanized areas of the county. Similarly, a crematory's impact on neighboring property is of a different nature than a data center (i.e., data center noise propagates farther and differently than emissions from a crematory).

Comparisons to Loudon County fail to include the fact that Loudon is also proposing to eliminate by-right data centers in most locations, and have additional requirements related to change in building height, and building step-back. The county must not cherry pick comparisons. 

Distance to residents could be based on a scale with size or ability to enclose noise sources. The county could encourage small data centers that adhere with all other requirements suggested and that have no impact on neighboring properties to move their high tech, high salary jobs into locations that also permit ground level store fronts, provide nearby residential options, metro access, etc.

Distance from metro: 

A minimum distance from a metro station is a welcome addition that recognizes the unique nature of these sites with high-population and employment centers near transit. This distance must be expanded to 1 mile and rather than relying on a SE, the distance from the metro should be permitted or not permitted based on size and enclosure, with mixed use requirements required. This would prohibit massive data centers in a metro area that would be the relative job killer. The county should encourage smaller DCs with no impact on neighboring properties to move their high tech, high salary jobs into locations that also permit ground level store fronts, provide nearby residential options, etc. The county must discourage massive data centers and encourage development that replaces losses in office buildings, etc.

Noise Study:

While a noise study requirement is welcome, including post-construction. This requirement does not go far enough to address impacts on residents. The above use standards must be strengthened in order for the impact of noise to be eliminated.

The noise study performed for the Chantilly Premier data center which was modeled on upgraded noise mitigation measures, demonstrates that in order for noise to be below the nighttime standard of 55 dBA, the range is out to about 1000 feet, which is why a greater setback for residential is needed, especially for massive data centers (larger than 80,000 sq. ft). Given that the dB(A) scale is not an accurate measure of the noise, the County should consider a greater distance.

Building Design: 

“Data centers can have significant adverse visual impacts. They should be sited and designed to avoid these, especially for viewsheds that are valued by the community, including historic and cultural resources, residences and neighborhoods, parks and schools, and natural resources such as forested areas. 

Data center architectural design should be aesthetically compatible with adjacent uses, particularly residential neighborhoods, parks and schools. Exteriors should use fenestration, windows, variation in exterior materials, and other features to avoid monolithic appearances and to be congruent with the adjacent uses that have a view of the data center. Data centers should incorporate landscaping that is similar and compatible with that of the surrounding uses. Fencing and accessory structures and features (guard stations, waste areas, accessory equipment, parking areas, etc.) should also be designed and landscaped to be aesthetically compatible with the surrounding land uses.”

Additional Recommendations

Environmental Concerns

Call Board of Supervisors

Phone Numbers


As a resident of Fairfax County who is deeply concerned by the impact of data centers on our communities I would first like to thank you for taking action to strengthen data center requirements in our county. 

While the draft text is a start in the right direction, I am asking you to make the following edits and additions to the draft text.

The changes below will ensure that residents across the county will be protected from any harmful impacts of any type of data center, including massive data centers larger than 80,000 sq. ft., and ensure that as Chairman McKay indicated, Fairfax County can have the highest standard in the state and country in terms of protecting residents.

Key Asks

This information will be used to demonstrate the vibrant and diverse community that we are a part of and the impact on individuals and families that will occur if a data center is able to go forward without public input or review and approval by the Board of Supervisors.  

your supervisor on the record

In January, the Board of Supervisors approved a Chantilly data center through a Special Exception review, stating that the review, which included extensive community input, resulted in plan changes that  would meet the County recommended standards. 

Plaza 500 will not have such review if by right development is not stopped.

Are the Supervisors' words meaningful if they let the Plaza 500 data center be built without higher standards, Board review, and public input?

Supervisor Quotes

Chairman Jeff McKay

Vice-Chairman Kathy Smith (Sully District)

Supervisor Andres Jimenez (Mason District)

Supervisor James Walkinshaw (Braddock District)

Supervisor James Bierman, Jr. (Dranesville District)

Supervisor Rodney Lusk (Franconia District)

Supervisor Walter Alcorn (Hunter Mill District)

Supervisor Daniel Storck (Mount Vernon District)

Supervisor Dalia Palchik (Providence District)

Supervisor Pat Herrity (Springfield District)

Our community

Residential and recreation land surround Plaza 500 on both sides of the Fairfax / Alexandria line. 
There should not be a data center this close to our neighborhoods.

Color Key
Yellow (Residential) | Purple (Planned Residential and Commercial) | Green (Recreation and Parks) Blue (Commercial) | Red (Industrial)

What You Need to Know

Out-of-state developer, Starwood Capital Group, submitted a site plan to build a massive 461,444 sq. ft., 70 ft. tall industrial data center in the heart of a residential community. The data center will be less than 260 ft. from residential property, and its new very large electrical substation will be less than 100 ft. away. This would be the 5th largest data center in the County and the closest of its size to residential homes.

There will be no public hearings or public input without emergency action by the Board of Supervisors because this is a by-right "Permitted" development. We agree with the County staff recommendation to revise permissions to require Special Exception approval for data centers, regardless of size.

The submitted site plan calls for a massive industrial data center and new electrical substation at the site of Plaza 500's current offices and warehouse. Starwood Capital Group will use by-right "Permitted" development under the Zoning Ordinance to demolish the site and build the data center without public input or negotiation with the County.

This data center would be in the heart of our residential community -- less than 260 ft. from residential property, and the new very large electrical substation will be less than 100 ft. away. It will have a negative impact on our community: creating noise and light disturbance 24 hours a day 7 days a week, requiring very high energy and water use, emitting potentially harmful pollutants, and impacting property values.

This massive data center site plan will drastically change the community and cut off access to future mixed use development (PDF). Our community anticipates positive residential and retail development over the coming years with the redevelopment of Landmark Mall and Van Dorn Street. A data center would be a permanent eyesore among other residential developments, amenities, and positive growth.

Transmission lines and electrical substation rendering for owner's project in Herndon (Public Record SE 2021-SU-00017)
Example photo of small data center and cooling structures.
Small Data Center and Cooling Structures

What is it? Data centers are industrial complexes that house acres of computer systems for storing virtual information. Massive infrastructure must be built to support these complexes, including transmission, water, and sewer lines. Data centers are slated to account for a fifth of the world's electricity usage and more than 3% of carbon emissions by 2025. In 2020, data centers consumed an estimated 174 billion gallons of water. A 15-megawatt data center can use up to 360,000 gallons of water a day.

National Parks Conservation Association, Keep Massive Industrial Data Centers Away from our National Parks


Site Plan

Electrical Substation

Plaza 500 News

County Recommendations

Community Letters to County and Public Testimony

Data Center Concerns


What is in the site plan?

We know the square footage, height, and placement of two data center buildings on the property, as well as the placement of a new electrical substation. The site plan shows the data center buildings are less than 260 feet away from residential property to the West and 570 feet away from residential property to the North. The electrical substation will be less than 100 feet away from residential property.

The site plan does not have all the details needed to fully understand the impact of the data center. For example, there are no details on the type, size, or location of cooling towers, emergency backup generators, fuel storage, or electrical transmission lines.

Why is action needed immediately?

We understand the County is required to "accept" the site plan 60 days after submission. County staff have said that the Board of Supervisors has until acceptance of the site plan to change the Zoning Ordinance standards that would apply to the site. An urgent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to change the by-right “Permitted” development of data centers to a “Special Exception” before acceptance is the only way ensure a public process for hearings, reviews, and changes to protect residents. Both the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission will need to provide public notice and hearings on the Zoning Ordinance amendment. The time is tight, but it's possible and not without precedent. 

What did County staff recommend about by right data center development?

In their Data Centers Report and Recommendations, County staff recommended the Board of Supervisors "consider revising permissions to require SE approval for data centers, regardless of size, in the C-3, C-4, and I-2 through I-6 Districts. In addition to recommendations ... under other topic areas, standards for special exception review should include the consideration of the size of a proposed data center and its distance (buildings and generators) from surrounding existing and planned residential development."

Are Fairfax County standards the highest in Virginia?

Not yet. There are no data center-specific standards that apply to data centers built in an I-5 District. The Board of Supervisors will hopefully consider higher standards, including those proposed in recent County Recommendations, but any higher standard will not apply to Plaza 500 if by-right "Permitted" development is allowed to continue.

How is the Plaza 500 data center different than the Chantilly data center approved in January?

The Chantilly data center will be 110 ft. tall. It will have smaller square footage than Plaza 500 and will be nearly half a mile away from residential property.

This website relies on data centers. Why oppose them?

Data centers are important for modern, internet-enabled living. Mega data centers should be located near similar heavy industry and away from residential homes because of the impact they have on neighboring properties. 

Who is organizing the Save Bren Mar effort?

Local concerned private residents. We are not affiliated with any group, organization, or company. Contact us at to get involved.

Together we can
SAVE our communities!