Biography and Current Research Interests

I am a PhD student at the Discovery Analytics Center (DAC) in Virginia Tech. My advisor is Dr Naren Ramakrishnan. I received my B.Tech in Information Technology (2007-11) from the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Bhopal, India and Masters in Computer Science (2012-14) from Virginia Tech.

My research interests are in Data Mining and Machine Learning with a focus on event text modeling, spatiotemporal data mining and Information fusion. Most of my current research has been in the area identifying and forecasting population level events (like civil unrest) using publicly available data and was done as part of the Open Source Indicators program at IARPA.


Contact Details

Sathappan Muthiah

Graduate Research Assistant,

Discovery Analytics Center

900, N Glebe Rd, Arlington VA-22203

Email:, sathap1_AT_vt_edu

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