The degree to which this is recoverable or resistible is an interesting question, but the reality is undeniably that it happens. And base-line-human-addicted-to-heroin is far from the strangest biological base a general intelligence can be attached to.

New ideas can change the models we use to understand reality, and what predictions we will make as a result. But we still need to care about those outcomes, and the caring bottoms out in what our bodies want or like or think will be adaptive, however crudely.

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Manni did request a meeting to ask, when the updated report got sent out, what the reasoning was. He was suspicious, some stubborn voice inside insisting a mistake had been made. He wanted to be able to reassure Elise that it was just some egghead throwing numbers around to reassure the public. No one could really know a thing like that.

After carefully extracting some of Zozo's wicked essence, he elaborated on how he was to go about the creation without messing it up. First, he needed several body parts which he needed to put together to form a whole figure. He wanted this doll to be very fleshy; Not just all doll, like Zozo and his ZDolls. So, after awhile of working really hard and focusing on this particular mischievous idea in order to get rid of Zozo and his dolls once and for all, he finally had the results he needed and what was left was to reanimate the body using the soul of an ancient serant woman. The body which he created was infused with Zozo's essence and this caused for the anatomy of this previously different figure to take after Zozo's own appearance as he predicted would happen. Finally, after removing the ardent and heavy soul of the ancient from the special box he had it in, he proceeded to slam the supernatural energy into the center of the body he created.

The body twitched and started to have some kind of seizure. It trembled uncontrollably. In the midst of this, he hoped his seal through blood-magic would keep the link to this framework so he could obviously order it to do his will. He waited patiently and after the body had finally accepted the soul and the soul accepted the body, the person who he named Sasi rose up from her slumber to meet him. At first, all went well. She did everything he asked of her and was very submissive to his will but as time moved on, she began to not behave normally. Her formal conduct became abnormally volatile and unpredictable. Not to mention extra violent and unbearable. He would of course punish her for these actions but it proved to be too much for him after she nearly slashed his face off for trying to control her and pin her back. This is when he realized Zozo's curse must have changed the ancient's soul. It must have fused with Zozo's character and spirit. Creating an entire new being from two different major components he used to create what he thought would be a success.

The legacy of Mama Nae Sinta and friends makes AMAN what it is today. However, it is important to realise that principles on paper will not come true if there is no imperative for translating them into reality. AMAN strives to be both a modern and a traditional organisation, blending realities in an intersectional way, while understanding ours is a reality where individual and community safety and survival take various forms, in which women are often discriminated against, and still cannot be taken for granted. e24fc04721

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