Sari Nijssen

Social Environmental Psychologist



Hi! I am Sari and I currently work as a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Vienna, in the Environmental Psychology Group.

In my research, I focus on social-cognitive moderators of nature conservation behavior. That is to say, I am interested in why we care for some species more than others, and how we can use this knowledge to increase our care and concern for the environment. For more information about my past and current research, please take a look at my publications.

​I obtained my PhD (Cum Laude) from Radboud University Nijmegen. In my PhD, I investigated the development of anthropomorphism in human-technology interaction under supervision of ​Tibor Bosse, Barbara Müller, and Markus Paulus (LMU München). ​Prior to my PhD, I graduated from University College London (UK) with an MSc (Dist.) in Cognitive Science.