Sarbajit Mazumdar 

      5th year Integrated M.Sc. Student


      " There are two rules in life:    1) Never give out all the information. "

                                                                         ----- Richard. P. Feynman


Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to the fascinating world of physics! I'm a student of physics at NISER in Bhubaneswar, India, and I'm passionate about uncovering the mysteries of the universe. I'm on an exciting journey through the vast realm of physics, exploring everything from the behaviour of tiny particles to the grandeur of celestial bodies. I take great joy in unraveling the complexities that shape our existence. Join me on this thrilling adventure as we dive deep into the cosmos, sparking our curiosity and unveiling the hidden secrets. Together, let's explore the wonders of physics in all its breathtaking glory!

In summary, my research endeavours in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics are centred around two core areas: the exploration of many-body correlations in quantum materials (superconductors, semi-metals, topological insulators, interacting Bose/Fermi gases etc.) and the investigation of periodically driven Floquet systems. These research interests drive my passion for unravelling the intricate dynamics of condensed matter systems (both Hermitian and non-Hermitian), aiming to uncover emergent phenomena, novel phases, and unconventional behaviours.

Here is an interesting simulation video for Light-Matter Interaction. A light pulse on bismuthene generates exciton pairs that move through the two-dimensional ultrathin layer of material. Credit:@ctqmat 



Barrackpore Government High School,
Barrackpore, West Bengal

Secondary Education

2017 - 2019

Barrackpore Government High School, Barrackpore, West Bengal

Higher Secondary Education

2019 - 2024

NISER, Bhubaneswar

5 year Integrated M.Sc. Programme in Physics