Sarah Necker

Welcome to my website!

I am Director of the Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social Market Economy and Institutional Economics and Professor of Economics at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg.

My research focuses on questions at the intersection of behavioral and public economics. Currently, I am involved in several projects that aim to explore how well people understand economic mechanisms and how this understanding influences their policy preferences.  A related area of research that excites me is examining how (complexity of) rules and bureaucratic procedures affect individual behavior. I have also dedicated significant attention to studying the determinants of rule compliance, particularly in the context of tax evasion.

With the support of the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation, we currently study the complexity of investment grants to municipalities. We recently received a grant by the Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung to study employers' and employees' perspective on how the effective retirement age can be increased.

I am a member of the Female Economists Network of the German Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Other affiliations: ZEW, Cesifo


My CV can be found here