"Then Logic would take you by the throat, and force you to do it!"
(Lewis Carroll (1895): "What the Tortoise Said to Achilles")

About me

I'm a Post-Doc in the ConLog-ERC Advanced Grant Project of Prof. Dr. Heinrich Wansing: Contradictory Logics - A Radical Challenge to Logical Orthodoxy at the Ruhr University Bochum since May 2023.

Before that I did my PhD on "Meaning and identity of proofs in (bilateralist) proof-theoretic semantics" under the supervision of Heinrich Wansing and Greg Restall.

My Erdös number is 4.

Some of my research interests in logic and philosophy:
proof-theoretic semantics, identity and synonymy of proofs, non-classical logics, (logical) paradoxes, (anti-)exceptionalism debate, logical pluralism.

For vacation I go to Metal festivals. I'm into all kinds of sports related to fitness or dance, especially ballet, Brazilian Zouk and swimming. To relax, I like baking Baklava for my family and colleagues or carving wood, which usually results in tiny spoons. 

Email: sara.ayhan@rub.de 

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