V Annual Santiago Macro Workshop

December 2-3th, 2021

The Santiago Macro Workshop is an annual workshop that aims at bringing together macroeconomists from Chile and abroad to achieve three goals. First, to be a venue to discuss the latest research on macro. Second, to give local researchers exposure and feedback from international researchers in order to improve their research. Finally, to promote intellectual exchange among domestic and international scholars.

The conference is organized by the Central Bank of Chile and the Economics Department of the Catholic University of Chile (PUC-Chile).

On 2021, the conference will be held remotely through Zoom on December 2-3th.

Besides local researchers, we will have the participation of international speakers such as Fernando Alvarez (University of Chicago), Saki Bigio (UCLA), Mariacristina De Nardi (University of Minnesota), Nir Jaimovich (University of Zurich), Kurt Mitman (Institute for International Economic Studies), Andreas Mueller (University of Texas, Austin), Richard Rogerson (Princeton University) and Francesco Zanetti (University of Oxford).

You can attend by registering on this link: https://tinyurl.com/t4wy6nh4

Program 2021

Fifth Santiago Macro Workshop: Preliminary Program

Organizers: Sofía Bauducco, David Kohn, Caio Machado and Matías Tapia

Thursday, December 2

Session I · Chair: Joaquin Vial (Central Bank of Chile)

09.00 - 09.50 “Shocks matter: the macro implications of firm dynamics”

Nir Jaimovich (University of Zurich), Stephen Terry (BU) and Nicolas Vincent (HEC Montréal)

09.50 - 10.40 “Pricing under Distress”

Borogan Aruoba (UMD), Andres Fernandez (Central Bank of Chile), Daniel Guzman (UBC), Ernesto Pastén (CBCh) and Felipe Saffie (UVA)

10.40 - 10.50 Break

10.50 - 11.40 Keynote Lecture: “Micro Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Policy”

Kurt Mitman (Institute for International Economic Studies)

11.40 - 12.00 Q&A

12.00 - 13.00 Break

Session II · Chair: Alberto Naudon (Central Bank of Chile)

13.00 - 13.50 “Uneven Recessions and Optimal Firm Subsidies”

Caio Machado (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

13.50 - 14.40 “Scrambling for Dollars”

Javier Bianchi (Fed Minneapolis), Saki Bigio (UCLA) and Charles Engel (U. Wisconsin)

14.40 - 14.50 Break

Session III · Chair: Matías Tapia (Central Bank of Chile)

14.50 - 15.40 “Beware the side effects: capital controls cause misallocation and reduce welfare”

Eugenia Andreasen (UChile), Sofia Bauducco (CBCh), Evangelina Dardati (CEP) and Enrique Mendoza (U. of Pennsylvania)

15.40 - 16.30 “Are Marriage-Related Taxes and Social Security Benefits Holding Back Female Labor Supply?”

Margherita Borella (U. of Torino), Mariacristina De Nardi (University of Minnesota) and Fang Yang (LSU)

Friday, December 3

Session I · Chair: Rodrigo Fuentes (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

09.00 - 09.50 “News and Financial Frictions in Open Economies”

Evi Pappa (UC3M and CEPR), Hernán Seoane (UC3M) and Alejandro Vicondoa (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

09.50 - 10.40 “State Dependence of Fiscal Multipliers: the Source of Fluctuations Matters”

Mishel Ghassibe (University of Oxford) and Francesco Zanetti (University of Oxford)

10.40 - 10.50 Break

10.50 - 11.40 Keynote Lecture: “Price Setting”

Fernando Alvarez (University of Chicago)

11.40 - 12.00 Q&A

12.00 - 13.00 Break

Session II · Chair: Tomás Rau (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

13.00 - 13.50 “Productivity Growth and Workers’ Job Transitions: Evidence from Censal Microdata”

Elias Albagli (CBCh), Mario Canales (UCLA), Chad Syverson (U. Chicago), Matías Tapia (CBCh) and Juan Wlasiuk (CBCh)

13.50 - 14.40 “Vacancy Durations and Entry Wages: Evidence from Linked Vacancy-Employer-Employee Data”

Andreas Mueller (UT Austin), Damian Osterwalder (U of Zurich), Josef Zweinmuller (U of Zurich), Andreas Kettemann (U of Zurich)

14.40 - 14.50 Break

Session III · Chair: Verónica Mies (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

14.50 - 15.40 “Working (and shopping) time regulations”

Alexandre Janiak (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

15.40 - 16.30 “Occupations, Life Cycle Wage Growth and Inequality”

Andres Erosa (UC3M), Luisa Fuster (UC3M), Gueorgui Kambourov (UT) and Richard Rogerson (Princeton University)