Santhoshini Velusamy

Research Assistant Professor, TTIC

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For internship opportunities, apply here

I organized a virtual theory seminar at TTIC. A playlist of the recorded talks can be found here.

About me

I am currently a Research Assistant Professor at the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. My research is supported by an NSF CRII award (CCF 2348475). I am visiting the Simons Institute as a Research fellow in the Sublinear Algorithm program in summer 2024.

I am primarily interested in the design and analysis of algorithms, in particular, streaming and other sublinear algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. I also dabble with problems in algorithmic game theory.

I completed my PhD in 2023 from Harvard University, where I was extremely fortunate to be supervised by Madhu Sudan. My research was supported by the Google PhD fellowship. My doctoral dissertation was on the approximability of constraint satisfaction problems in the streaming setting. In 2018, I graduated with a B.Tech. (Hons.) and M.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT Madras.