Sankarshan Damle
I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (LIA), EPFL, under Prof. Boi Faltings.
Before that, I did my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Machine Learning Lab, IIIT, Hyderabad, under Dr. Sujit Gujar. My Ph.D. was fully funded through the Ripple-IIITH Fellowship. I completed my Bachelor of Technology (w/ Honors) in Computer Science, also at IIIT, Hyderabad.
[Dec '24] Guest lecture on Transaction Fee Mechanism Design at EPFL (slides)
[Oct '24] Couple of works in collaboration with MSR India accepted at NeurIPS Workshops! (details)
[Oct '24] Joined LIA, EPFL as a post-doctoral researcher under Prof. Boi Faltings
[July '24] Our work on Fairness in Transaction Fee Mechanisms accepted to appear at ECAI
[Apr '24] Our work on "Anonymous and Verifiable Crowdsourcing" accepted for publication in IEEE TDSC
[Mar '24] Joined Microsoft Research India, Bangalore as a Research Intern
[Jan '24] Our work on "Differentially-private Multi-agent Constraint Optimization" accepted for publication in JAAMAS
[Dec '23] Three papers (one full, two extended abstracts) accepted at AAMAS '24 (details)
[Sep '23] We will present a tutorial on "Fair and Private Deep Learning" at CODS-COMAD '24
[Apr '23] Joined Microsoft Research India, Bangalore as a Research Intern
[Feb '23] Our paper on fair Federated Learning with data heterogeneity was accepted at PAKDD '23
[Nov '22] Our paper "Combinatorial Civic Crowdfunding with Budgeted Agents" was accepted at AAAI '23