Sanity (from Latin: snits) refers to the soundness, rationality, and health of the human mind, as opposed to insanity. A person is sane if they are rational. In modern society, the term has become exclusively synonymous with compos mentis (Latin: compos, having mastery of, and Latin: mentis, mind), in contrast with non compos mentis, or insanity, meaning troubled conscience. A sane mind is nowadays considered healthy both from its analytical - once called rational - and emotional aspects.[1] According to the writer G. K. Chesterton,[2] sanity involves wholeness, whereas insanity implies narrowness and brokenness.

Alfred Korzybski proposed a theory of sanity in his general semantics. He believed sanity was tied to the logical reasoning about and comprehension of what is going on in the world. He imposed this notion in a map-territory analogy: "A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a 'similar structure' to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness."[3] Given that science continually seeks to adjust its theories structurally to fit the facts, i.e., improves its maps to fit the territory, and thus advances more rapidly than any other field, he believed that the key to understanding sanity would be found in the study of the methods of science (and the study of structure as revealed by science). The adoption of a scientific outlook and attitude of continual adjustment by the individual toward their assumptions was the way, so he claimed. In other words, there were "factors of sanity to be found in the physico-mathematical methods of science." He also stressed that sanity requires the awareness that "whatever you say a thing is, it is not"[4] because anything expressed through language is not the reality it refers to: language is like a map, and the map is not the territory. The territory, or reality, remains unnamable, unspeakable, and mysterious. Hence, the widespread assumption that we can grasp reality through language involves a degree of insanity.

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In The Sane Society, published in 1955, psychologist Erich Fromm proposed that not just individuals, but entire societies "may be lacking in sanity." Fromm argued that one of the most deceptive features of social life involves "consensual validation":[6]

In criminal and mental health law, sanity is a legal term denoting that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for their actions. The official legal term is compos mentis. It is generally defined in terms of the absence of insanity (non compos mentis). It is not a medical term, although the opinions of medical experts are often important in making a legal decision as to whether someone is sane or insane. It is also not the same concept as mental illness. One can be acting under profound mental illness and yet be sane, and one can also be ruled insane without an underlying mental illness.[8]

Legal definitions of sanity have been little explored by science and medicine, as the concentration has been on illness.[9] It remains entirely impossible to prove sanity. Furthermore, as Korzybski[10] has pointed out repeatedly, insanity to various degrees is widespread in the general population, which includes many people that are considered mentally fit in medical and legal terms. In this connection, Erich Fromm[11] referred to the "pathology of normalcy," while David Cooper proposed that normality was opposed to both madness and sanity.[12]

Yesterday we played as a team of 4 (3 on computer, 1 on VR). Any game we played, the VR players sanity drained a lot faster ( we were at 90% sanity, they were at 60% for example). No ghost events have happened, we were all in the same rooms with lights on and no cursed possesions were used. Is this a bug?

The notion of sanity is a loaded one. The word itself, dated back to its origins, refers to nothing more than the soundness of mind and body. Which, when you think of it, means nothing. Sound how? By whose terms? Bird\u2019s poem today poses the idea that the world itself seems to offer its own definitions of soundness, its own definitions of sanity. A checklist of sorts. Go for a jog. Host a party. Acquaint yourself with nature, but not too much. Expect enough but also not enough but also not too much. Be just right, as they say. When I read today\u2019s poem, I think a lot about Nina Renata Aron\u2019s recent memoir, Good Morning, Destroyer of Men\u2019s Souls. In it, she writes:

Some questions I have: What does meaning really mean? Why do we feel the need to put on a certain face in the face of all that is certain about life? To demonstrate a kind of insanity, a kind of cynicism, a kind of hopelessness while living this life of so-much-ness \u2014 isn\u2019t that, in and of itself, a kind of sanity? And what is sanity? And what should you expect from this life? What is expecting too much? Too little? Who knows the right way? Can I meet them? Do they charge a fee?

Thank you thank you! I to have a toddler and another on the way and sometimes trying to keep things simple (to save my sanity!) and healthy is a challenge to say the least. Thanks for the little glimpse into your personal and real life! I so get it!

Question about how sanity works. My character has no worms, parasites, wounds etc. Eats mostly dried pig meat, bananas and brazil nuts(all fresh). Hunger and thirst levels never get below around 70%. 8 hours of sleep each night on a palm leaf bed in a mud house and regular time around a fire yet I can't get my sanity above 50%.

We all need a sanity check every once in a while . It sounds like you might be working around a common pattern. Can you tell us more about what you are trying to do? A quick example flow could be helpful.

Hello there, I am a JAMSTACK developer & I want to use zapeir for automating things for content creators who are using sanity cms (Headless CMS). Can you guys help me out with this & give me the steps to make that thing happen?

My goal is to get EDT working through our ADC, however EDT requires DTLS. So this is where I need a sanity check because I have a hard time accepting that to use DTLS/EDT I can't use any ciphers above TLS1.0

I wanted to make a quick way to run sanity checks on QIIME 2 taxonomic assignments, because I recently came across a major issue with a custom taxonomic classifier I had created (see original issue) with qiime2-2019.7. Essentially all ASVs were being classified as the genus Alteromonas despite the 16S sequence being extremely different and matching different phyla based on BLAST.

I played around with these settings since they had changed since qiime2-2018-2.0 (when I first created similar classifiers). Interestingly using the older option of ngram=8 solved the classifications for dataset2, but not for dataset1. Again I think this indicates that sanity checks need to be run on a range of ASVs when validating custom classifiers... Unfortunately I can't make these 3 test datasets available.

Or go to to launch your Jamstack project and deploy it on Netlify in minutes.Are you looking to launch a personal site, a blog, or an e-commerce site? Launch even faster with one of Sanity's official templates.

Returning to the Finder and its insane claim of deleting over 60 TB of snapshots, it would have been less precise but more accurate if it had shown an unlabelled progress bar instead. A little sanity checking should have revealed that claiming that amount of space could exist on a 2 TB SSD was impossible. Instead of feigning accuracy, it should have strived for something less absurd.

Just thought I'd make a quick thread detailing how Wendy's sisturns work. Obviously, many of you are aware that the sisturn provides a +25 sanity aura when you stand right on top of it. What you may not know is how the aura behaves as you get further away from the sisturn and whether or not the sanity aura stacks with other sanity auras.

Below is a series of pictures I took during a fun little experiment where I tested out different sisturn set-ups in order to see how it works. Basically, what I did for most of these pictures is set my sanity to half (which is exactly 100) by using the console command c_setsanity(0.5), and then I hit the timer. When the timer reached 1 minute, I would then press f12 to take a screenshot. There's a small delay when you use Steam to take screenshots, so my measurement is most likely off by a little less than a second, but nevertheless, the take-home message remains regardless of the minor human error.

Shown below is a +28 per minute sanity aura with me hugging one sisturn while experiencing the aura of a "neighboring" sisturn. This implies that the second sisturn only contributed 3 extra sanity per minute to the collective sanity aura.

I decided to test whether this was consistent with multiple neighboring sisturns roughly equidistant from myself while I'm hugging the same sisturn. Below is a +34 per minute sanity aura from 1 hugging sisturn and 3 neighboring sisturns. 25 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 34, so the math checks out.

I decided to look at how the sisturn's sanity aura changes with distance. Below is a +1 per minute sanity aura from being as far away from the sisturn as possible without the aura completely disappearing.

Here is the distance required to get +5 sanity per minute from the sisturn. I didn't do this part of the experiment the same way I did the others because you get a -5 sanity per minute penalty during dusk, so all I had to do was walk toward the sisturn until the sanity arrow disappeared.

Finally, here is the distance required to get to +8 sanity per minute. You can clearly see that it's barely closer than the previous position and almost right next to the sisturn. Any closer and you will get the +25 sanity per minute aura. These pictures show that the sisturn sanity aura follows an exponential decay by distance, meaning that you will see a gigantic drop in sanity benefits if you walk away starting from the center of the sisturn than if you walk away starting from 2 feet away from the sisturn. ff782bc1db

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