Sangeun Oh                     

Assistant Professor

Human-centered Intelligent System (HIS) Lab.

Department of Software & Computer Engineering, Ajou University

Office: Padal Hall 606 (팔달관 606)

Email:        [CV]


B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. students

Please contact me freely via Email (


Research Interests


Professional Experience & Education

Thesis: Advanced Mobile Operating System for Transparent Multi-device Interaction (Outstanding Ph.D. dissertation award)

Advisor: Insik Shin

Thesis: Adaptive Routing and Priority Ordering for Software-Defined Real-Time Networking

Advisor: Insik Shin

Awards and Honors

Celebrating MobiCom'19 best paper award with the FLUID team in Los Cabos, Maxico


Insik Shin, Sangeun Oh, Steven Y. Ko, Ahyeon Kim, and Sunjae Lee

KR Patent App.:10-2019-0128772, published in October 16, 2019

Insik Shin, Sangeun Oh, Huck Yoo, and Dae R. Jeong

KR Patent:10-1927721-0000, registered in December 5, 2018

Daehyun Ban, Insik Shin, Honguk Woo, Kilho Lee, and Sangeun Oh

KR Patent App.:10-2015-0025484, published in March 10, 2015

Professional Activities