After Katie leaves for work, Max just sits at the door and waits for her to come home. We meet the other pets that live near Max, including Gidget, Chloe, Mel, Buddy, and Sweetpea. Gidget has a crush on Max, which he is unaware of. Chloe is a fat cat that eats her owner's food instead of her own. Sweet Pea is a little bird that turns on the fan and pretends to fly with jets on TV. We also see Leonard the poodle being left with classic music, but he switches it to System Of A Down's "Bounce" when his owner leaves. Max is visited by Chloe, Buddy, and Mel, along with a lost guinea pig named Norman.

Buddy brings the pets to the home of an elderly dog named Pops. Pops has all the pets in the neighborhood over since his owner is rarely around, and Pops knows all the pets in the city. He guides the pets to the roof in his own way toward the sewers. Once they get there, they find The Flushed Pets with Snowball plotting revenge. When both groups learn that they know Max and Duke, the Flushed Pets chase after the house pets. Norman ends up getting captured by a crocodile and is left behind (though he's not too worried about it).

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While Max goes to save Duke, Snowball comes out of the sewers with Tattoo and the lizard. They spot Max and chase after him, but Tattoo and the lizard get taken. Max and Snowball decide to team up and chase after the truck. They hijack a bus and follow the truck to the Brooklyn Bridge. The bus falls and causes a traffic jam while the truck swerves off the bridge and gets stuck. The Flushed Pets surround the bridge as they find Max pulling Snowball out of the bus, thinking he killed Snowball. Before the Flushed Pets can get Max, the house pets arrive with Gidget riding Tiberius. She proceeds to pound all the Flushed Pets by herself, which impresses Max. Max rushes to save Duke, but the truck falls into the river with both dogs in it as Max tries to get the keys. Snowball then plunges into the river and gets the keys back to Max so he can get Duke out, and they all swim to the surface.

Tattoo steals a taxi and drives the pets back home. Max tells Gidget how he started to feel after seeing her fight the other animals, and she excitedly starts licking him. The Flushed Pets are about to return to the sewers until Molly sees Snowball and adopts him, making him happy once again. The other pets return to their owners right before they all get home. Katie comes home and see Max and Duke waiting for her together. She is happy to see the two of them getting along. The three of them then go out onto the fire escape to see the city at night. Max and Duke have now become good friends.

Secret Life of Pets is coming out this Friday so why not celebrate and make this cute and simple Max the dog craft with the kids? My kids have been watching Secret Life of Pets previews over and over again on YouTube the last few weeks and they can't get enough. I think the movie seems cute, too and can't wait to see it with them this weekend! I absolutely love the story line and Max the dog is one of my favorite characters so far. If you haven't seen the previews, the movie is about what our beloved pets do when their owners leave for the day and all the mischief they get into.

Max is a spoiled terrier who enjoys a comfortable life in a New York building until his owner adopts Duke, a giant and unruly canine. During their walk outside, they encounter a group of ferocious alley cats and wind up in a truck that's bound for the pound. Luckily, a rebellious bunny named Snowball swoops in to save the doggy duo from captivity. In exchange, Snowball demands that Max and Duke join his gang of abandoned pets on a mission against the humans who've done them wrong...

"We've been in development for about two-and-a-half years on this particular version of the attraction. We worked very closely with [Illumination founder] Chris Meledandri and the whole Illumination team," said Corfino of working not only with the franchise writers, but also the film's animators to bring their vision to life.

As you're walking through the apartments, the animals will think you're lost pets who need a collar and owner. They help you find your way to a pet shop where you'll be turned into a puppy to be adopted.

The original Secret Life of Pets hit theaters back in 2016 and revolved around Max, a Jack Russell terrier whose simple life is upended when his owner Katie brings home a cheerfully blustering - and much bigger - brown dog named Duke. It earned mostly positive reviews and grossed a whopping $876 million at the worldwide box office, in turn assuring that a sequel would come to pass. Illumination has been marketing The Secret Life of Pets 2 by unveiling a series of character trailers over the past few months, culminating with the promo that dropped online this morning.

Based on the trailer, Rooster is as comically curmudgeonly as Ford is known for being whenever he appears in public or promotes one of his movies. The characters in the first Secret Life of Pets were modeled after the personas of the actors who voiced them, so it's only fitting that the sequel does the same with newcomers like Rooster. Indeed, the other fresh addition here is Daisy, a Shih Tzu who's voiced by Tiffany Haddish and has the same general moxie that the Girls Trip star is known for. Between her and Ford's furry counterpart, the new pets should only help to mix things up, as far as the movie's comedy is concerned.

After daydreaming of what he and Gidget could do as friends - by letting Gidget fly with him on his back and him catching squirrels easier - Tiberius decides to willingly help the pets search for a missing Max. He delivers Ozone to Gidget who ruthlessly interrogates him for Max's location. Gidget then recruits other pets from the apartment and they are led by Pops, an old Basset Hound who knows New York well.

After the pets track Max and Duke across the alleyways of downtown New York to Brooklyn, he flies Gidget over Manhattan to the Brooklyn Bridge to stop The Flushed Pets' attacks against Max. After that, he flies back to the apartment to meet his owner.

He is a very lovable, playful, and a very loyal dog towards Katie. However, he is so loyal to her that he selfishly wants to keep her to himself. He is shown to be very unwelcoming to Duke when Katie adopted him and even hostile. When Duke found out about Max's secret detest towards him, they seem to enter a feud. Knowing that he can't gain dominance over Duke (he had stolen Max's bed and dominated Katie's apartment when she's away), and after consulting Chloe about Duke's abuse, Max becomes very controlling of Duke and even arrogantly abusive of him. This shows that Max actually has a power hungry and controlling side (ultimately igniting the events of the film). However, he and Duke eventually made up from this after enduring many dangerous and even life-threatening situations that almost result in both the dogs dying. Max does care about Duke and tries to save him from drowning to his death (even risking himself meeting the same fate). Max seems to also be rather oblivious to the world outside of Katie's, this is demonstrated by him being completely and ignorantly blowing off Gidget's attempts to seduce him. He only viewed Gidget as something close to an actual friend. It's not until the film's climax that Max finally realizes Gidget's feelings for him and he finally returns the crush and they start their relationship (to Pops' disgust).

Max lives a normal canine life with his owner Katie in a small apartment in New York. He spends his days waiting in front of the door for Katie to return and playing with his friends Mel and Buddy. One day, she comes home with another dog, a Newfoundland she adopted named Duke who has made Max's life turn worse. Although Max is immediately disgusted by Duke's callous wet licking and selfish sleeping habits, and his attempts to warn her of Duke's selfishness in the bathroom are in vain when Katie is unable to understand his barking.

The next day, Max has decided to displace Duke and become the object of Katie's affections once more. When Duke destroys a vase in the living space and spills dog food in the kitchen area, Max attempts to do the same as Duke by doing further destruction which gets him into trouble. Later on, the duo are taken for a walk by a pet-sitter with all the apartment pets to the dog park in Washington Square Park, where Max's insults push Duke into driving them out of the park and into downtown New York.

In Snowball's lair at an abandoned factory, Snowball reveals the existence of other secret abandoned pets in the city and recruits the two to The Flushed Pets. They end up escaping from Snowball through the sewer system which spits them out into the River Hudson - only for them to end up on a ferry to Brooklyn, in the opposite direction to home.

After Max successfully save Duke and arrive to the street of all the apartment pets, Max admits to Gidget his love for her after seeing her in the bridge and apologizing for not noticing her before (cause he barely noticed her now in the bridge fight and fell in love of her), after that both share some lick for their new relationship and love for each other. Max and Duke then go to their apartment and they are just in time before Katie came back, and now with Duke, Max has a friendship with him.

The story starts in an apartment building in Manhattan. Max (voiced by Louis C.K.) is a terrier who adores his owner, a young woman named Katie. One day she brings home a second dog, a huge, shaggy brown Newfoundland named Duke. Max and Duke don't get along at all. Their conflict results in them getting lost in the city, avoiding animal control officers and a gang of abandoned pets led by an insane white rabbit named Snowball. Meanwhile, the other pets from the apartment building embark on a quest to find them, led by Gidget, a white pomeranian.

I think the film had really hit-or-miss character design. Max, Chloe, Buddy, and Duke are cute, Gidget is too, but Snowball and the guinea pig look really ugly. At least they fit in with the rest of the designs though; Tiberius looks like he belongs in a different movie to me, like a Muppets movie. be457b7860

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