Mr. Wilbur

Social Studies/Journalism

I've been teaching in the Minneapolis Public School District since 2008. I've had the rare pleasure to teach at over 50 public schools in Minneapolis, and out of all of them, I chose to teach at North. I love the strong sense of community and pride that runs through the halls of North High, the intimate classrooms where students get more face-time with their teachers, and the freedom to integrate the arts and STEM into my curriculum. I enjoy teaching Human Geography, Ethnic Studies, and Journalism because it prepares our students to be active members of society . Students learn that they have a voice in this world, and they can change it to better serve themselves and their communities. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy writing and recording music, photography, and traveling the world.

"Education leads to enlightenment. Enlightenment opens the way to empathy. Empathy foreshadows reform." - DERRICK A. BELL

Attention Students and Parents: For all 3 of my classes, students can access extra credit work over the break using Google Classroom. The pages will be updated on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students and parents can contact me at anytime via email with questions/concerns:

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time. Stay up-to-date with everything at North High by checking our website and Facebook page.