Going Up!

Project Title: Going up! Personal Elevator Pitch

Tools used in Development: Genially

Time in Development: 4 hours

Client: Online community


While working on my goal of transition in to a role in the learning and development space, I realized that I had to consistently examine my professional experience and personal mission to develop an authentic resume and online profile. IDOL Academy has numerous resources for a career transitioner to use in their job application assets. However, it did not specifically have how to develop and deliver and authentic elevator pitch. Some members were not aware of what an elevator pitch consists of and why it would be necessary.

I developed this explainer video to share with the learning community as a way to help others understand and take the tension out of creating an elevator pitch.


This explainer video shares the foundational level knowledge of an elevator pitch. The viewer has access to various resources including an elevator pitch workbook to brainstorm and create their own elevator pitch. The video and supporting documents were well received and found to be of high value to the IDOL Academy community.

Click to watch!

ElevatorPitchWorkbook final.pdf
