Celebrating SAMH Creative Services 10th Anniversary with


a mental health campaign

from July 2021 to March 2022

SAMH Creative Services began at Goodman Arts Centre on 10 September 2011 with the belief that embracing creativity into our everyday life can lead to improving physical and mental health. Through creativity, our approach of using the arts, sports and outdoor in the programmes promotes positive impact on people’s well-being, such as relieving stress, offering insight and enhancing resilience. Enhancing creativity has led us to integrate our approaches with nutrition towards holistic wellness.

As we celebrate our 10th anniversary this year, we will have the overarching theme of:

" EAT Well, MOVE Often, Just CREATE "


Eat healthy and know what foods support brain health. Also eat happy by bonding with others over food.


Move regularly and freely to regulate or lift moods, and feel attuned to your bodily expressions.


Give yourself space and time to play and create and use creativity to help you solve problems.

Help us to reach 20,000 hashtag posts by March 2022!

Post and Hashtag us at
#EatwithSAMH #Movewi
thSAMH #CreatewithSAMH
and overall campaign #EatMoveCreateSAMH.

Follow SAMH on our IG @samhsingapore @samhealthcreatives
and FB @singapo

Join us in our upcoming #EMC activities.
Check out the monthly calendar
here &
register on our online link here to participate!

Join us in the fight against mental illness by pledging, moving and donating to the ‘Kindness Warrior Fights Mental Stigma’ Campaign. Every single donation or participation makes a difference.

Register for the challenge via Just Run Lah:

or make a donation:

Support Mental Wellness for All through Creativity!
View our Fundraising Campaign