Both individuals and organizations that work with arXivLabs have embraced and accepted our values of openness, community, excellence, and user data privacy. arXiv is committed to these values and only works with partners that adhere to them.

It would make sense to create a new status-obsolete tag, akin to status-declined and status-completed, and to apply that tag to questions where the problem detailed is obsolete due to circumstances out of the OP's question, much like we tag questions with status-completed when things were fixed.

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I don't think we should be closing questions for being unable to reproduce with one exception (that I can think of right now) - if they're lacking in detail and can't be reproduced at all, I think there's room to close the question with specific guidance on how the question can be improved. That means that I'd like to retire the existing no longer reproducible close reason and replace it with a new one that would be a more helpful and specific "needs detail or clarity" with info about how to improve a bug report that y'all are struggling to reproduce.

In the interim before the new close reason is created, and for any questions currently closed with the old reason, we can make a slight update to the existing close reason. One of the best things about the new close reasons system is that we can completely remove the term "off-topic" on all close reasons that are community-specific. While I didn't change all five of the fields, I did give the reason a title and update the current off topic bit to say:

Past this quest, there's no real interaction with Mobius, so unless you really want a particular outcome from this quest, I'd probably suggest moving on if fixing it would be painful. There aren't any achievements, perks, items, etc, you'll miss out on.

It is hardly worth the time to critique the video on its own terms, as it is an unremarkable example of its genre. I do not suggest you watch it. What needs to be taken seriously and with alarm is this: the fracturing of the knowledge commons into disjoint realities is now so far advanced that large numbers of people continue believing Donald Trump is secretly President to this day, while Joe Biden occupies a Hollywood studio faked out as the White House. This is a dilute version of the far more widespread belief (tens of millions of people) that the election was stolen.

Suppose I wanted to persuade a far right Trump-supporting reader that claims of election fraud are baseless. I could cite reports and fact-checks on CNN or the New York Times or Wikipedia, but none of those are credible to that person, who assumes, with quite some justification, that these publications are biased against Trump. The same is true if you are a Biden supporter and I try to persuade you of massive election fraud. Evidence for that is only to be found in right-wing publications that you will dismiss out of hand as unreliable.

It looks today like the Left is beating the Right at its own game: the game of censorship, authoritarianism, and the suppression of dissent. But before you celebrate the expulsion of the Right from social media and public discourse, please understand the inevitable result: the Left will become the Right. This is already long underway, as the overwhelming presence of neocons, Wall Street insiders, and corporate champions in the Biden administration demonstrates. The partisan information warfare that began as a left-right conflict, with Fox on one side and CNN and MSNBC on the other, is rapidly reforming into a struggle between the Establishment and its challengers.

The resulting epistemic bubble leaves the average citizen just as much in unreality as someone who believes Trump is still President. The cult-like character of QAnon and the far right is plain to see. What is less obvious (especially to those within it) is the increasingly cult-like character of the mainstream. What else can we call it but a cult, when it controls information, punishes dissent, spies on its members and controls their physical movements, lacks transparency and accountability in leadership, prescribes what its members should say, think, and feel, encourages them to denounce and spy on each other, and upholds a polarized us-versus-them mentality? I am certainly not saying that everything the mainstream media, science, and academia say is wrong. However, when powerful interests control information they can lock reality out of the picture and bring the public to believe absurdities.

I am much tempted to try to make the case the modern society is confined to a narrow unreality, but this is precisely the problem. Any examples I invoke from beyond acceptable political, medical, scientific, or psychological (un)reality automatically discredit my argument and make me a suspect character to anyone who does not already agree with me.

I realize I am overstating my difficulty, exaggerating the case in order to tease out the reason for my recent feelings of futility. The reality offered for our consumption is by no means self-consistent nor complete; its gaps and contradictions may be exploited to invite people to question its sanity. My point is not to bewail my helplessness, but to explore whether there is a more powerful way for me to use my words in the face of the derangement I have described.

I found it to be so as well! I would love to live in a world where it was considered normal and reasonable to share our revelations, our visions, our deep knowings that reveal themselves. I am so curious to hear the intuitive wisdom others hold back from sharing?

Sounds like a good tactic. It reminds me of shifting, as described in NVC, from strategies to feelings and needs, in a way that elicits empathy. FYI, an inspiring book with some true stories is From What Is to What If by Rob Hopkins. =dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

Thanks Charles. Love a good paradigm shift! Your idea made me think maybe there was some additional wisdom in what at face value seem like quite simple Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. They did after all keep the worlds oldest continuous culture living in harmony with the earth for 60000+ years. I might read a few and think about why they were so successful. Thanks

Dear Charles, it might be interesting for you when I tell you that we in Germany also have a problem with totalitarism, with left and right and media and irrelevance. I am worried that I am not doing enough, but am also currently thinking of new ways. But I read this from you today and dreamed of THE SAME IDEA tonight !! This shows that we xan trust in our creative concious being. Then there must be a lot more of us working and dreaming in this direction!! Yipeee*

Thank you Charles for continuing to share the gift of your words, feelings, thoughts and spirit with us. I could really feel energy behind your new project. Reading about it produced physical and emotional reactions in me. I felt chills, my heart quickened and a warm smile radiated out from the same place it does when I see my grandchildren (or anyone really, but especially them) being their beautiful selves. I am including the fruition of your project in my manifestation visioning work. You are loved and supported by many. Your new project is much needed and will emerge in exactly the right way at the right time. Gratitude and Love to you and your family.

Dear Charles, I have been following your work for many years and your words always resonate deeply within me. May your vision of the heart bring peace and compassion to many. Good luck with your new work!!!

I empathise deeply with this e-mail post, despite my vast qualifications and experience, I still struggle with the concept of fighting for peace or being intolerant to intolerance. We know politics is a dirty game, and that has to be because human psychology is post trauma on top of trauma (Gabor Mate). The populace vote for the most traumatic leader that is charismatic, a reaction against the grey suits.

Thank you for this, Charles. Have you seen the talks by Elif Shafak i.e. The Politics of Fiction, in conversation with Wole Soyinka etc.? I believe her take on the power of stories aligns with your new undertaking of writing fiction.

I think our human stories are vast and powerful and beneficial and harmful and limitless. But maybe the next step is to reach beyond human stories. To live embedded in our earth story, with everyone sharing the abundance of the earth, for that is a true place of common ground for all humanity and life. I intuit that Charles is way ahead of my thinking on this and that his new direction in fiction will take a step beyond what we have seen before. I can hardly wait!

The way that your work is able to language the forms within that deep realm of non-thought, for me, tells me that you may well be able to write a story with some power in it. I wish you very good dreaming on it.

Dearest Charles,

As ever I bow to your willingness to dig deep. To not have easy answers and not shy away from the impossibly big questions. This essay speaks to my soul. To my own life path asking me to rise as my own archetype of Divine Feminine energy of the Empress working with Leaders and bring that powerful willingness to embrace ALL in a world that rejects the other so easily. There is no other!

I am grateful for the thoughts you have put to paper, for the expository essays, books, online courses, and interviews you have put into the world with your messages. May these ripples continue to emanate throughout our world, and invite change in a way that none of us may individually understand.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and inner process, Charles. The world needs new stories! As a nonfiction writer who once hoped his writing would help heal the world, I can identify with your calling to storytelling. be457b7860

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