But sin has messed up our opportunity to do both. Sin mars the image of God in us which changes our potential. I mean, when you are in a right relationship with God and the Spirit of God dwells in you in and power, God enables you to do the natural with excellence and confidence and the supernatural beyond that. Sin compromises our ability to experience the power of God moving through us. 

Now, on to the power of friendship. Denver Moore was a feared street warrior, hardened during his 22 years of living on the streets of Fort Worth, TX. (Homeless for 22 years!) He was the baseball bat-packing alpha male of the homeless when Ron Hall befriended him in 1998. (Denver was known for beating people and things with his baseball bat!) He had so much anger.

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Denver was born in rural Louisiana. He great up with an aunt and uncle on what was basically a plantation. He never attended school and worked for credit he used to buy necessities at a company store. He had a lot of reasons to be angry. As a teenager, he was roped and dragged by the KKK for helping a white woman change a flat tire. In that moment, Denver vowed he would never trust a white person or speak to another white woman.

In 1960, Denver hopped a freight train to Fort Worth where he lived for a few months before he went to Los Angeles. Several years later, he went back to Louisiana where he was convicted of armed robbery in 1966. He spent ten years in prison and then returned to Forth Worth.

Ron Moore was changed because he was able to receive wisdom from a homeless man. How often do we write those kind of people off? How often do we shy away from people we perceive are different from us? What might God want to teach us by helping us develop an unlikely friendship? Both men discovered who God intended them to be inside of their friendship with each other.

I recently met Julia Young, founder of True Name, a ministry that ministers to the homeless in Huntington and a ministry that seeks to befriend women in strip clubs between Huntington and Charleston. They go into the clubs once a month, not with Bibles, tracts, and a sermon, but with food, gifts, and an offer of friendship, and after extending themselves as friends to these women, some of these ladies who are different from them, ask about Jesus and ask for help to leave that kind of life. The power of friendship!

and now you want to find all businesses that have a rating above 4 stars, first you want to get 25 businesses listed. Now you have to do ugly things, getting 12 restaurants and 13 hotels and mixing them in the result. things get uglier if you want the top 10 businesses, then you would need to get

5 restaurants and 5 hotels, and then you have to sort them again and deliver the top 10. But what if the top 10 are actually all hotels? to solve that problem you have to not get 5 hotels 5 restaurants, but 10 of each. you have to overfetch. and then sort. this is not cool

this is a very simple thing.

I know I could solve it if I always add to restaurant nodes also a second predicate business.rating which would be just a duplicate of restaurant.rating , so whenever I mutate or compute a new rating, I change both of them. This is a good solution. I could also just change only the restaurant.rating predicate, and let a post-mutation hook change for me the business.rating ;this would be a good solution too

(BTW: just removing hotel.rating & restaurant.rating and ONLY using business.rating is NOT a solution, because if a user would query for the best 10 restaurants, dgraph couldnt use the index anymore, which would slow down things)

BTW: just removing hotel.rating & restaurant.rating and ONLY using business.rating is NOT a solution, because if a user would query for the best 10 restaurants, dgraph couldnt use the index anymore, which would slow down things

Because @filter(type(Restaurants)) will increase latency or not? dgraph will first do the quick index stuff and get the businesses with the highest rankings, and then check if these businesses are even restaurants. Having 3 indexes, one for restaurants, one for hotel, and one for both; is the better solution or not?

Not. It gets the galaxy first, but the additional filters and pagination is done on the received galaxy. I see the confusion the pagination is actually applied after the @filter but looking at the order of the syntax it would appear otherwise.

Think of it like a logical IF block that only then lets the inner logic fire if it really needs to. This way the @filter is not trying to work on the whole universe, just the nodes in the current galaxy

But doing if to check every value if it is a restaurant, is more slowly, than having 3 indexes? because checking something through indexes is faster than checking it through filters/if-checks ? or not?

E.g I have 1 000 000 hotels in my system, and just 100 restaurants.

@filter(type(Restaurants)) would be a bottleneck or not? That would be 1 million internal IF checks that dgraph would do, just to check if a node is a restaurant. or not?

tbh i still didnt understood why several same indexes are bad pr what exactly you meant Is it possible to join/merge two indexes? Merging different indexes of the same kind for general search, but also keeping the single indexes - #7 by Juri can you maybe tell me if that is a bottleneck

I have a struct that I would like to consist of only Array or CuArray, but I would like a mix of different kinds to throw. I can enforce uniform types by using the {T}, but how do I define my struct to make the vel_mix construction throw an error?

So I have had this question for some time now. If for example I need a antibacterial medicine and I have melafix and someone recommends like maracyn for example. Would my melafix work the same sense they are both antibacterial? This is just a general question. Thanks!

Hello @Caidenh24

On the ACO Youtube there's a talk given by an aquatic vet. She recommends that for anything you're considering using looking up what is called an MSDS or MDS (essentially, it's a breakdown for safety across manufacturing which gives safety type roles the ability to use chemicals they may not be familiar with, proper storage, disposal, use, etc.)

As a part of those sheets it has the chemical breakdown of what is actually in the meds. Some of them will say "proprietary formula" but sometimes you'll get an insight into some differences. One might have the same anti-bacterial med but in a different dose, or with something else mixed in.

an example I can share....

API vs. the Fritz meds, for me I prefer the API versions (general cure, erithromycin) just because they are a bit finer and dissolve easier. It's a slight difference, but given the choice between the two my preference would be for the one that's slightly easier to use. 

Melafix MSDS: -us/melafix/api-melafix-safety-data-sheet.pdf

ok thanks! That helps. just to kind of clarify do you mean that some might do the same thing but have slightly different ingredients? I dont think this would apply for those 2 types of medicines but for like 2 antibacterial meds, they can treat the same thing, but have some different ingredients. Right? Thanks!

I'm trying to answer this without getting technical. There is a very technical answer as well that is extremely relevant. The analogy being something like a blend of taco seasoning. One company might add more paprika, one company more garlic, etc. Everything has the same "main ingredient" in the case of something like erythromycin. One might be 5%, another 7%. One company might add something else. Maracyn from Fritz is equivalent to API Erythromycin. General cure from API is equivalent to Paracleanse from Fritz.

The technical answer for why, for what other additives help or don't help, I can't speak to that. I don't have the knowledge or education. Sometimes things that are added specifically might not help or might be there to help the medicine dissolve, work more effectively. It might even just be salt to help treatment. There's a variety of reasons and as we continue to use the same meds over and over the things we are trying to treat for become more resistant, which lead to needing other meds or needing higher doses. 


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