
Quadcopter for Sanitization


To design a drone and its photorealistic models, use of SolidWorks 3D environment was proved to be ideal. The process of model creation and scale it to the required dimensions required market surveys and theoretical design parameters. Thus, this project was overall helpful to learn about process of product development.

Problem Statement

(Need of use of drone for Sanitization work) :

• Since December 2019, we are facing the pandemic of COVID-19 and the devastating effects of this rapidly spreading virus. Although, immunogenic response against this virus is increasing amongst people worldwide and vaccination drives are ongoing, still the threat persists.

• Until the virus goes on its own, we need to take strong measures to prevent the overspread and contact amongst people.

• This is true, but lockdowns affect the economy adversely, causing stoppage in industrial and corporate sectors and stagnant growth and development in developed as well as developing countries like India.

• To cater to this economical crisis, it is inevitable to open service, industrial and corporate sectors. Also, people need to work live on the premises.

• To prevent the spread of virus amongst these people, timely sanitization of the premises is needed. Sanitization is needed for offices, stadiums, schools, colleges, malls, theaters, residentials and industries.

• But, to sanitize such a large establishment effectively, it will lead to more time consumption and workforce requirements. This will in turn lead to inconvenience in working and sanitization schedules.

• To cater to this need, it is necessary to implement mechanisation of the sanitization process. Drones and quadcopters are perfect means of mechanisation of the sprinkling process and to cover large areas in less time with effective cost reduction and speed.